“Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives” is posted by the National Center for Education Statistics.
On a few education indicators, Native Americans are performing better than some other minority groups tracked by the federal government, a report concludes.
For example, 47 percent of Native American 4th graders scored “at or above basic” in reading on the 2003 National Assessment of Education Progress, while 40 percent of African-American 4th graders and 44 percent of Hispanic 4th graders scored at the same level. Seventy percent of Asian/Pacific Is-lander 4th graders and 75 percent of non-Hispanic white 4th graders reached the “at or above basic” level in reading.
Native American 8th graders also slightly outperformed black and Hispanic 8th graders in reading on the 2003 NAEP.
The report pulls together data about Native American students—which includes both American Indi-ans and Alaska Natives—collected over 20 years. It tells about their use of languages in the home, about demographics, and about achievement at all levels of education from preschool to postsecondary.