Fifty-eight percent of U.S. school districts agreed that funding for educational technology is inadequate, according to a survey by the National Center for Education Statistics.
Eighty-three percent of respondents agreed that teachers are interested in using technology in the classroom, but only 58 percent thought that teachers were sufficiently trained to integrate technology into lessons. The survey also found that 51 percent of districts employed an educational technology leader full time, 32 percent employed someone in that role part time, and 17 percent of districts did not have anyone on staff in charge of educational technology leadership. Those districts without educational technology leaders were typically smaller districts, which the study defines as those with enrollments of 2,500 or less.
Districts answered the survey based on information from fall 2008. The survey was conducted through questionnaires, which were mailed to 1,600 public school districts with a weighted response of 90 percent.