26-29—Literacy: Annual Conference, sponsored by ProLiteracy Worldwide, for K-12 educators, at the Starr Pass Marriott Resort and Spa in Tucson, Ariz. Contact: PLW, 1320 Jamesville Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210; (315) 422-9121 ext. 319; e-mail: conference@proliteracy.org; Web site: www.proliteracy.org/conference.
Nov. 1—Call for proposals: Applications are due for the 2006 China-U.S. Education Leadership Conference, sponsored by Global Interactions Inc. Presentations on topics such as, but not limited to, best practices for developing education leaders, establishing professional learning communities, data-driven decision making, leadership in educational technology, and leadership for curriculum and instruction, are requested. Contact: Global Interactions Inc., 14 West Cheryl Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021-2481; (602) 906-8886; e-mail: educ@globalinteractions.org; Web site: www.globalinteractions.org/Leadership06/Leadership_home.htm.
Nov. 15—Science: Applications are due for the Shell Science Teaching Award, sponsored by Shell Oil Company and the National Science Teachers Association. One finalist will receive a cash award of $10,000 and an all-expenses-paid trip to attend the NSTA national convention April 6 through April 9 in Anaheim, Calif. Two semifinalists will each receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the convention. Individuals who have served as K-12 science teachers for at least eight years, not including this school year, at public and private schools, are welcome to apply. Contact: Shell Science Teaching Award, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000; (703) 243-7100; e-mail: teacherrec@nsta.org; Web site: www.nsta.org/shell.
Nov. 30—Environmental education: Applications are due for the 2006 SeaWorld/Busch Gardens/Fujifilm Environmental Education Awards, sponsored by the Anheuser-Busch Adventure Parks and Fujifilm. The awards honor educators and student groups that are working to protect and preserve the environment. Eight winning groups will each receive a $10,000 grant, and one environmental educator will receive a $5,000 cash award. Contact: SeaWorld/Busch Gardens/Fujifilm Environmental Education Awards, c/o SeaWorld Orlando, Education Department, 7007 SeaWorld Drive, Orlando, FL 32821; (877) 792-4332; Web site: www.seaworld.org/conservation-matters/eea.
Dec. 2—Early-childhood education: Applications are due for the National Child Care Teacher Awards, sponsored by the Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care Foundation and McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Tylenol. Teachers of infants, toddlers, or preschool-age children are asked to design an enhancement project for the students in their classrooms. One teacher from each state and the District of Columbia will receive a $500 cash award, and $500 for the proposed classroom project. Contact: TLLCCF, 320 S. Henderson Road, 2nd Floor, King of Prussia, PA 19406; (610) 992-1140; fax: (610) 992-1070; Web site: www.childcareabc.org.
Oct. 28—Arts: Applications are due for the Global Youth Murals Project, sponsored by People to People International. Students in grades K-12 worldwide are invited to create artwork that illustrates their cultures, communities, or their interpretations of the themes of friendship and peace through understanding. Murals for the project will be displayed at several venues, including PTPI’s Global Youth Forum in Washington Nov. 14-18. One elementary school and one secondary school submission also will each receive a $50 cash award. Contact: Stacey Chance, 501 East Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64109; (816) 531-4701; fax: (816) 561-7502; e-mail: classroom@ptpi.org; Web site: www.ptpi.org/programs/school_class_proj_global.jsp.
Oct. 28—Bilingual education: Applications are due for the 2006 Being Bilingual Essay Contest, sponsored by Weekly Reader and the National Association for Bilingual Education. Bilingual students in grades 3-11 are asked to submit essays on their experiences learning in two languages, their pride in bilingualism, or their career aspirations. Entries from students of all language backgrounds are accepted, but essays must be written in English. Three cash prizes, ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 depending on grade level, will be awarded. Contact: NABE 2006 National Writing Contest, Attention: Jaime E. de la Isla, Houston Independent School District, 3830 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77027; (713) 892-6800; Web site: http://www.nabe.org/documents/conference/2006_Student_Essay_Contest.pdf.
Oct. 31—Community service: Applications are due for the 2006 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, sponsored by Prudential Financial and the National Association of Secondary School Principals. The awards honor the community service of students in grades 5-12. One high school student and one middle student in each state and the District of Columbia will receive an award of $1,000. Ten National Honorees will each receive an additional award of $5,000, and a $5,000 grant for the charity of the recipient’s choice. Contact: The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, 751 Broad Street, 16th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102; (888) 450-9961; e-mail: spirit@prudential.com; Web site: www.prudential.com/spirit.
Nov. 1—Volunteerism: Applications are due for the Target All-Around Scholarships, sponsored by the Target Corp. More than 600 $1,000 scholarships and one $25,000 scholarship will be awarded to high school and college students under the age of 24 in honor of their volunteer work and academic achievements. Students must submit their applications online. Contact: Target All-Around Scholarship Program, Scholarship America; e-mail: target@scholarshipamerica.org; Web site: https://target.scholarshipamerica.org.
Dec. 1—Civil rights: Applications are due for “The Second Amendment to the Constitution: Why it is important to our nation” essay contest, sponsored by the National Rifle Association’s civil rights defense fund. All K-12 students are eligible for the eight prizes, which range from $100 to $1,000 in U.S. Savings Bonds. Contact: The NRACRDF, c/o NRA Office of General Counsel, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030; (703) 267-1250; Web site: http://www.nradefensefund.org/docs/writing_contest.html.events.