An article in the Nov. 8, 2006, issue of Education Week (“Guides Avoid Bilingual vs. English-Only Issue”) misstated the arm of the U.S. Department of Education that paid for three guidebooks on how to teach English-language learners. The Comprehensive Centers Program of the office of elementary and secondary education underwrote the project.
An article in the same issue (“Education Dept. Poised to Approve More States For Growth-Model Pilot”) incorrectly said Alabama was one of the states that had reapplied for the Department of Education’s growth-model pilot project. The article failed to say that Alaska had reapplied for permission to use growth models in the pilot program.
A story on facilities spending in the Nov. 1 issue (“Facilities Spending Criticized as Uneven”) mistakenly said the Campaign for Fiscal Equity is based at Teachers College, Columbia University. CFE, which is a part of the National Access Network, is based elsewhere in New York City.