With NCLB off the congressional radar this month, civil rights groups want to make sure the reauthorization reappears next year.
On Thursday, a coalition of groups will hold a seminar on high school policies to be considered in NCLB reauthorization. The discussion will be entitled: “A Stronger NCLB in 2008: Critical for High Schools and Students of Color.” Clearly, the organizers want reauthorization to be done next year.
Thursday’s seminar in the Senate Dirksen building will be the first of several events addressing accountability under NCLB, the Campaign for High School Equity promises. The campaign includes the Leadership Council on Civil Rights Education Fund, the National Council of La Raza, the National Urban League, and several other civil rights groups.
They have a significant ally in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., the chairman of the Senate’s education committee. Sen. Kennedy will be the first speaker at Thursday’s event.