Browse data-centric articles featured in Education Week
Teaching Profession
Average Teacher Pay Passes $70K. How Much Is It in Your State?
Teacher pay is growing faster than at any point since the Great Recession. But it's lower than a decade ago when accounting for inflation.
School & District Management
Data: How Schools Respond to Student Hunger Over the Summer
The end of pandemic-era flexibility for schools and community organizations has translated into fewer students receiving free summer meals.
Teaching Profession
How Much Do Teachers Get Paid? See New State-by-State Data
Salaries have ticked up slightly, but not enough to keep up with inflation.
Budget & Finance
See Which School Districts Declined Federal Pandemic Aid
Administrative hassle, philosophical disagreements, and abrupt school closures are among the reasons districts rejected ESSER funds.
Teaching Profession
A $60K Starting Salary for Teachers? Not a Single State Meets the Bar
Raising teacher pay has become a bipartisan priority. Here's how much teachers make and how it's changed over time.
Student Well-Being
Top 3 Barriers to Teaching Social-Emotional Learning. And One Big Takeaway
An EdWeek Research Center survey finds that educators’ time is too short and students’ needs are too great.
School & District Management
School Staffing by the Numbers
How many people work in schools, what types of work do they do, and how much do they get paid? Education Week breaks it down for you.
Student Well-Being
Data: Does Your State Have Enough School Psychologists and Counselors?
Education Week examined ratios of school psychologists and counselors to students across the country.
Young Adolescents' Scores Trended to Historic Lows on National Tests. And That's Before COVID Hit
The past decade saw unprecedented declines in the National Assessment of Educational Progress's longitudinal study.
Reading & Literacy
More States Are Making the 'Science of Reading' a Policy Priority
Four states have passed laws requiring evidence-based instruction, and at least 18 are directing COVID relief funds to early reading.
Education Funding
Look Up How Much COVID Relief Aid Your School District Is Getting
The federal government gave schools more than $190 billion to help them recover from the pandemic. But the money was not distributed evenly.
School & District Management
For the First Time in the Pandemic, a Majority of 4th Graders Learn in Person Full Time
The latest monthly federal data still show big racial and socioeconomic differences in who has access to full-time in-person instruction.
School Climate & Safety
School Shootings Over Time: Incidents, Injuries, and Deaths
Explore the data on school shootings that have resulted in injuries or deaths.
Equity & Diversity
The 'Dramatic' Demographic Shifts Reshaping Suburban Schools: 7 Key Data Points to Know
A new analysis by the EdWeek Research Center shows sharp declines in white enrollment in suburban schools.