Sign of the times? After 10 years, ed-tech pioneer Will Richardson is closing down his influential blog and moving to a new space on Tumblr, a social-networking-slash-"microblogging” platform that is getting a lot of attention lately. Richardson believes it will help him, in effect, bridge the gap between blogging and tweeting.
At the same time, with acknowledgement of the assorted ironies involved, Richardson is bringing out a new collection of the “40 or so” most-commented-on posts from his old blog—in book form. He sounds almost apologetic about this:
It may be an anachronism by the time my grandkids are around to see it, and I know there is little or no real reason to print it out, but there's still a piece of me that finds a printed book inspiring.
Who doesn’t? No need to apologize.
(For more information on Richardson and his philosphy of network literacy and learning see our Teacher PD Sourcebook interview with him from last fall.)