Digital Education
The Digital Education blog covered personalized learning, artificial intelligence, adaptive testing, digital curricula, data privacy, future of work, and all things technology. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on by visiting our related topic pages: classroom technology, personalized learning, future of work, and digital learning.
Privacy & Security
Schools Aren't Doing Enough to Protect Their Networks, Top Cybersecurity Official Warns
The nation's top cybersecurity official urged schools to take advantage of free federal resources for safeguarding their networks.
Privacy & Security
COVID-19 and Cybersecurity: 'Catastrophic Attack on Our Technology Systems'
Two large school districts have been rattled in the last week by incidents related to internet security and privacy.
IT Infrastructure & Management
Half of Districts Lack Connectivity Needed for Widespread Videoconferencing, Device Usage
Two-thirds of America's public school students attend schools that may not provide enough bandwidth for life after COVID-19.
Ed-Tech Policy
Dawn of an Education-Friendly FCC? Chairman Ajit Pai Moving On
The FCC chairman plans to step down from his role at the end of President Donald Trump's term on Jan. 20.
Classroom Technology
Country's Largest Ed-Tech Conference Is a Virtual Experience During COVID-19
The conference "should feel very relevant for people teaching in online and hybrid [environments]," said ISTE CEO Richard Culatta.
Professional Development
How to Bring 'Surprise and Delight' to Virtual Teacher Training During COVID-19
Dyane Smokorowski wants people who run PD sessions to make them so engaging that educators get FOMO if they don't sign up.
Classroom Technology
How Massive K-12 Bond Issues During COVID-19 Are Shaping School Technology Plans
Interest rates are low and remote and hybrid learning continues, but some experts question using bonds to pay for devices and connectivity.
Here's How Districts Should Handle Privacy Considerations in the COVID Era
Given how much information is now being collected about student health, there's a real need to consider privacy, a coalition of about two dozen education, disability rights, civil rights, and privacy advocacy groups say.
Teachers Need Help With Protecting Student Privacy Amid Explosion of Tech Use
Education technology usage has exploded during the pandemic. Parents, teachers, and students need more support in dealing with the potential privacy issues.
Classroom Technology
Which States Have the Biggest Home Internet Access Gaps for Students?
Mississippi, Arkansas, and New Mexico have the highest percentages of students who lack adequate home technology for remote learning.
Privacy & Security
Large, Well-Off Suburban Districts Most Likely to Get Hacked
Bigger, wealthier districts make easier targets for hackers, a GAO analysis found.
Ed-Tech Policy
From Our Research Center
Many Students Still Lack Home Internet. Here's How Big the Problem Is.
Only 11 percent of school district leaders and principals said all their students have the home internet access they need to fully participate in virtual instruction.
Parents Worry About Learning Loss in Remote Education Environments
More than 3 of every 4 parents report that their children are attending school remotely either full time or part time, new survey finds.
Ed-Tech Policy
Districts: Here's How to Get Some Help With the E-Rate
Ed tech officials: Confused about the E-Rate? The State Educational Technology Directors Association is on the case.