It’s not just plumbers and electricians: Prospective preschool teachers can now learn by doing, thanks to a new apprenticeship program in St. Louis.
With money from the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE), apprentices will be able to earn $9.50 to $13 an hour for on-the-job-training. The program also covers the five weeks of classes and the cost of the credentialing exam, according to an April 27 story by St. Louis Public Radio.
“There’s this movement toward the importance of early-childhood education, how important it is to be instructive, not just babysitting when you’re in the class with these kids,” Miton Clayborn, who will teach the classes, told St. Louis Public Radio.
Forty-five people had attended the orientation sessions to sign up for the first round of apprenticeships by late April. Classes were expected to launch in May.
(And don’t worry, plumbers and electricians can still get apprenticeships in St. Louis too.)