Teaching Profession Opinion

Make Waves: Disruption in Education

By Christina Torres — April 07, 2017 1 min read
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This week, I highly recommend Rusul Alrubail‘s fantastic article in Literacy Today‘s March/April Issue, ‘Disruption in the Classroom,’ (page 36).

Not only does the article provide some concrete examples from other classroom teachers to inspire our own practice, but also provides a beautifully critical, high-level view as to why resistance is an inherently important part of our work. As Alrubail notes at the end:

Disruption is happening right now in the real world and it's happening in our industries, our businesses, our communities, and our governments. It's time for us to empower student disrupting education so that they can make a greater impact on the issues that are changing their lives... resistance... [which] requires us to work together to identify the problems that are directly impacting our students...

Worthwhile thinking for the weekend. I hope you take a read.

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