I’m taking the summer off from answering new questions while I work on my next book.
Instead, over the next two months, I’ll be posting “collections” bringing links together from previous posts on common topics (classroom management, instructional strategies, etc.). I’ve published almost fifty separate “answers” over the past year, and thought that readers might find these summer compilations more accessible.
Today, I’ll be bringing together all my posts offering classroom management advice (there’s a bit of an overlap with First Year Highlights: Student Motivation).
Over the summer, of course, I’ll also be preparing future responses, so keep those questions coming!
You can send them to me at lferlazzo@epe.org.When you send it in, let me know if I can use your real name if it’s selected or if you’d prefer remaining anonymous and have a pseudonym in mind.
You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo.
Here are this year’s posts on classroom management -- I’m posting them in order of popularity (based on their number of “tweets":
1. Several Ways to Connect With Disengaged Students
Assistant Principal Jim Peterson and author Jim Anderson share their suggestions. Jim’s downloadable instructions for conducting “walk-and-talks” with students seemed to particularly strike a chord with readers.
2. Several Ways To Respond To “Unpredictable” Student Behavior
Dr. Marvin Marshall and I share practical positive -- not punitive -- classroom management strategies.
3. Classroom Management Suggestions -- Part Three
My colleague and co-author (The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide) Katie Hull-Sypnieski and I share even more positive classroom management ideas.
4. Classroom Management Advice From Readers of Ed Week Teacher
Nine experienced educators, including Nancy Gardner from the Teacher Leaders Network and David B. Cohen from Accomplished California Teachers, discuss the role of relationships and respect in the classroom.
5. Several Classroom Management Ideas For Younger Students
Teachers Jane Ching Fung, Mathew Needleman, and Tom Hobson write about the particular classroom management issues of very young students and how best to respond to them.
6. Several Classroom Management Suggestions -- Part One
Author/Educators Annette Breaux, Roxanna Elden, Harry Wong, and Gary Rubinstein contribute their thoughts in this column.
7. Several Ways To Help Students Develop Self-Control
Professor and author Roy F. Baumeister discusses his research on self-contol as a resource that can be depleted -- and then needs to be replenished. I share my experiences applying his research findings in the classroom.
8. Classroom Management Suggestions From My Colleagues
Several of my friends and colleagues, including a California Teacher of the Year and an administrator who I consider my mentor in classroom management, contribute what they’ve learned through their experiences.
I hope you’ve found this summary useful and, again, keep those questions coming!