Teaching Profession Opinion

Critic Explains Internal Union Dynamics

By Alexander Russo — September 24, 2007 1 min read
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Many may have missed the EIA Communique’s analysis of the internal politics surrounding NCLB reauthorization, which came out late last week (EIA Communique). Others may have better explanations (EIA is a union critic), but this one describes some of the history behind the TEACH Act, suggesting that Miller should have known that it would be a problem, reminds us that Miller and the NEA went at it “hammer and tongs” in the runup to NCLB 1.0, and reminds us that the CTA and NEA aren’t always on the same page. Most important, it reminds us of the internal dynamics going on within the union (any union) that require rallying the troops on broad issues but holding a smaller set of issues as key “gets.”

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