Half of the local chambers of commerce polled in a new 49 state survey say they’ve taken steps aimed at boosting expansion and improvement of early-childhood education.
The chambers have, for example, lobbied for early-childhood education in statehouses, provided legislative testimony, made speeches, and undertaken specific educational projects, states a survey released earlier this week by the Washington-based America’s Promise Alliance. The advocacy organization aims to boost high school graduation rates.
“Business leaders—not traditionally major players in this part of the debate about children—are now also voicing their support for investments in early-childhood education,” said Sara Watson, executive vice president of America’s Promise Alliance and the director of ReadyNation, the alliance’s early childhood project, in a press release. “These business leaders see that this type of investment improves children’s lives, their communities and the economy.”
Support extends to pre-K, child care and home visiting programs, she said.
The report details work done by 122 state chambers, state business roundtables and metro city councils.
To read learn more about the survey and America’s Promise Alliance, click here.