The Heinz Endowments has awarded $10 million in grants to Pittsburgh’s’ public schools through its “Pathways to the Promise” collaboration with the district.
Initiatives funded by the grant look to improve classroom instruction, after-school programs, early education, and parent engagement, as well as bridge the achievement gap that affects Pittsburgh’s African American students.
The Heinz Endowments gave the bulk of the grant money—$6 million—to Pittsburgh Promise, a program to help students and their families plan for and pay for higher education.
In addition, $2 million will go to the district’s Fund for Excellence, which supports the Pittsburgh superintendent’s Excellence for All Program. Another $500,000 will go toward the district’s Culturally Responsive Arts Education Program, and the remainder of the grant money is for neighborhood-based projects at various Pittsburgh schools.
For more information about grants from The Heinz Endowments, including how to apply, click here.
Read about other education-related grants awarded and browse available grants.