New York City parents gave Mayor Bill de Blasio some pretty low grades when it came to fulfilling campaign promises about the city’s schools.
A New York City political action committee, NYC Kids PAC, released a report April 19 tracking the commitments de Blasio and his administration made during a candidate’s forum in 2013 and on a candidate survey. NYC Kids PAC endorsed de Blasio for mayor.
According to the report, de Blasio earned F’s in the areas of reducing class sizes, public accountability, and improving school diversity. Parents gave the mayor D’s on decreasing the amount of student data that is shared with vendors; boosting services for special-education students; and engaging parents in school governance.
“De Blasio promised over and over that his administration would be different and would listen to parents and communities,” Leonie Haimson, executive director Class Size Matters, a New York City-based education advocacy group, told the New York Post. “But since he was elected he has largely ignored parents.”
The mayor did manage to receive a couple of A’s, for reversing a ban on cell phones and issuing a moratorium on school closures. He also earned incomplete marks in areas such as school overcrowding and student discipline reform.
A spokesman for the mayor disagreed with NYC Kids PAC’s report.
“From launching Pre-K for All, to extended learning time for tens of thousands of students, to bringing new resources to bear at our most troubled schools, we are focused on raising achievement and strengthening school communities,” Wiley Norvell told the Post.