HEARD IN THE BALLROOM: The final details on the proposed 2010 spending plan that President Barack Obama outlined in February may not yet be available, but one of the department’s top advisers said yesterday that the budget promises good things for education research.
“Where is the research money going?’” Marshall S. “Mike” Smith, a senior adviser to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and a former undersecretary in the U.S. Department of Education during the Clinton administration, told a packed crowd at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association here in San Diego. “I think you’ll see in the budget that it’s not going down at all.”
“Let’s put it this way,” he added coyly. “I would be very surprised if it went down or stayed even.”
That had to be a bit of a relief to this group, because education research got nary a mention in the federal economic-stimulus package.