Polski3 weighs in on her concerns over a plan to provide scholarship money to students at schools deemed “rigorous” by the Feds:
So, who is left behind in this latest meddling by the Feds in education? Any kid who doesn't plan to attend college. I seriously doubt that any kind of class involving shop, art, business office skills or learning any kind of "trade" skill will be deemed as "rigorous". So, only scholarship money to those who plan to go to a college or university for "academic" coursework. Fine, but someday, who will deal with your fancy car that needs repair, unclog the sewer line of your house, schedule you an appointment to see your doctor, properly bill your health insurance, do the carpentry work on your kitchen remodel or......????? THOSE are the kids the Feds will leave behind with this type of Federal involvement.
(From Polski3’s View From Here.)