In conjunction with the release of Quality Counts 2009, the EPE Research Center and Education Week hosted a series of online chats and a webinar in which QC ‘09 Project Director Amy Hightower, EPE Research Center Director Christopher B. Swanson, the report’s senior writers, and leading experts in the ELL field engaged in lively, in-depth dialogues about this year’s report and critical issues facing ELL education.
View archived chat transcripts and webinars.

Continuing Coverage and Conversation
Discussion and debate regarding ELL students goes beyond Quality Counts. For the latest news and developments facing ELL students and teachers, read QC senior writer Mary Ann Zehr’s blog, Learning the Language.
QC Forums: Do you have something to say or share regarding ELLs? The forums are your place to start and continue conversations about the issues covered in Quality Counts. You can also pose questions about other issues related to ELL learners.
Featured forum:
Grading the States in Quality Counts: When calculating a state’s overall grade for Quality Counts, should some areas of policy and performance count more than others? Discuss your opinions here.
Archived Chat Transcripts and Webinars
Chat: Quality Counts 2009: Portrait of a Population
January 8, 2009
Read the Transcript
Education Week editor Mark W. Bomster moderated a discussion about recent findings in Editorial Projects in Education’s latest annual report, Quality Counts 2009: Portrait of a Population.
Christopher B. Swanson is the director of the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center.
Mary Ann Zehr is an assistant editor and blogger for Education Week. She has written about the schooling of English-language learners for more than eight years.
Webinar: Quality Counts 2009: Portrait of a Population
January 13, 2009
View the Webinar
Editorial Projects in Education Research Center Director Christopher B. Swanson, Education Week Assistant Editor Mary Ann Zehr, and Quality Counts Project Director Amy M. Hightower participated in an interactive discussion and presentation of this year’s report.
Chat: The Future of ELL Education
January 15, 2009
Read the Transcript
QC ‘09 senior writer Mary Ann Zehr moderated a lively discussion examining the present and future state of ELL education in the United States.
Featured Guests:
Ellen Forte, president, edCount, LLC.
Maria Santos, executive director, Office of English Language Learners for New York City public schools.
Ana Sol Gutierrez, member of the Maryland House of Delegates, representing Montgomery County, Dist 18.