Judy A. Seal has been appointed the first executive director of the Long Beach Education Foundation in Long Beach, Calif. Ms. Seal, 43, who began her new duties this month, also serves as the administrator of K-16 collaborations and external funding for the 96,000-student Long Beach Unified School District. She will continue to serve as the district’s liaison to local colleges and universities.
Founded in 1987, the Long Beach Education Foundation is a private, charitable organization that supports local schools by supplementing state funding.
After 39 years in education, John E. Rawlinson, the superintendent of the Northside, Texas, school district, has announced his retirement. Mr. Rawlinson, 58, has spent 31 years in the 65,000-student district, serving for the past six as superintendent.
Mr. Rawlinson also served as the district’s deputy superintendent for instruction and is a past president of the Texas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. He will officially retire on June 30 of next year.
Judy A. Johnson has been appointed the first executive director of the Costen Family Foundation.
Before joining the Los Angeles-based foundation, Ms. Johnson, 56, served as the vice president of the Los Angeles Educational Partnership, an independent, nonprofit organization that supports teachers, schools and communities in the area.
She began her role with the Costen Foundation this summer and will be responsible for ensuring its support for the improvement of teaching in all schools.
The philanthropic organization was established this year.
—Marianne Hurst
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