I’ll begin posting new questions and answers in mid-September, and during the summer will be sharing thematic posts bringing together responses on similar topics from the past four years. You can see all those collections from the first three years here.
Today’s theme - the fourteenth one in this summer series - is on Differentiating Instruction.
Previous updated thematic collections are:
The Best Ways To Begin & End The School Year
Teaching English Language Learners
You can see the list of Differentiating Instruction posts following this excerpt from one of them:
From 2014/15
Differentiation Lets Us Reach Our Students ‘Where They Are’
These contributions come from Katherine S. McKnight, Jessica Hockett, Christie Amburn, Elise Yerkey and Barbara Blackburn.
Differentiation Is Important ‘Because We Teach Students Not Standards’
Three well-known educators/authors provide guest responses in this post: Regie Routman, Carol Ann Tomlinson, and Laura Robb.
From 2013/14
‘Differentiation Is More Than A Set Of Strategies’
This post features a response from Kimberly Kappler Hewitt and a number of suggestions from readers.
Differentiating Lessons by ‘Content, Process, or Product’
Carol Tomlinson, Donalyn Miller and Jeff Charbonneau contribute responses.
From 2012/13
Using -- Not Misusing -- Ability Groups In The Classroom
This is a special guest post from author/educator Rick Wormeli.
Ability Grouping In Schools -- Part Two
In this post, Carol Burris, New York’s 2013 High School Principal Of The Year, and Tammy Heflebower, Vice-President of the Marzano Research Laboratory contribute their thoughts, along with comments from readers.
From 2011/12
Several Ways To Differentiate Instruction
I was lucky enough to get both Carol Tomlinson and Rick Wormeli to contribute their ideas here!
More Ways To Differentiate Instruction -- Part Two
This post features contributions from Megan Allen, Florida’s 2010 State Teacher of the Year and Dr. Kimberly Kappler Hewitt & Daniel K. Weckstein, co-authors of Differentiation is an Expectation: A School Leader’s Guide to Building a Culture of Differentiation.