As a member of the Learning First Alliance, Learning Forward will write occasional posts on the LFA’s Transforming Learning blog. The following excerpt is from Learning Forward Executive Director Stephanie Hirsh’s most recent post on LFA’s blog.
As a recent article in Education Week makes clear, there are many educators at a range of levels across the country talking about the link between teacher capacity and successful implementation of the Common Core (read Concern Abounds Over Teachers’ Preparedness for Standards).
That link between educators and successful implementation is clear to me -- it’s high-quality professional learning. And as I attended last week’s meeting of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Implementing the Common Core Standards state collaborative, I was delighted to hear that I am not the only one with that belief. CCSSO Executive Director Gene Wilhoit focused his opening comments on the role professional development must play in achieving the vision for the Common Core.
Read the rest of Stephanie Hirsh’s post at the Transforming Learning blog.