To the Editor:
I am strongly in favor of the voucher program described in the article “Vouchers Proposed for Disabled Pupils in Military Homes” (Education Week, Nov. 3, 2010). Just like kids from families that stay in one community, children with learning disabilities who live in military homes deserve adequate rights. Without the vouchers, how else would families like one in the article with three children who have difficult disorders be able to (1) pay for someone to observe their kids, and (2) receive the support they need? They can’t, at least not without all the money they have.
There are 50 states in our great nation, so why can’t all of them be on the same page? Things like “reportable” individualized education programs should be used in every state to guarantee satisfaction and to make it easier on families who are constantly moving. I don’t understand why districts have to set their own regulations, making it more difficult for families.
With the struggling economy, everyone is trying to obtain more funding, though when I read the rebuttal from Mary Kusler of the National Education Association, I felt she must not have understood the cost of what is at stake. With the aid of the proposed $5 million federal tuition-voucher program, which would provide up to $7,500 per year for school costs, families that have no support from the military would be able to pay for services their children need. When you’re looking at $10,000 to $50,000 in costs for a student with autism, any extra money would make a difference.
Breanna Spaeny
Hutchinson, Kan.