As we wrap up this (hectic) calendar year, it’s nice to look back and see what works.
Education Week makes this easy for us as writers by sharing our top posts with us. Here were my top six:
No, Pokemon Go Isn’t the Death of Society: Why Joy is Essential
Two Kinds: Teachers Focused on Compliance vs. Relationships
A Letter to My Incoming Students
Stop and Listen: Conversations About Race We Need to Have
Roots: Why We Must Support Non-English Speakers
On Being a Female Teacher in Trump’s America (I know, sharing the top six is a weird number, but I was proud of this piece!)
Two things I noticed looking back:
First, talking about relationships is essential. We need to consider how we make students feel equitable, how we show we care, and how we value their entire culture (and language!). It is, really, at the heart of our practice as educators, and it’s something I clearly want to talk more about in 2017.
Second, I want to make sure I continue to seek joy in this work. It’s been harder this year, but I know how important it is.
With that, I am taking my own advice from last year and seeking rest and refuge during this winter break. I hope you do as well. Here’s to a return to 2017 and the classroom with strong, joyful hearts.