Nikhil Goyal graduated from Syosset High School in New York and is the author of One Size Does Not Fit All: A Student’s Assessment of School. One of the benefits of attending the June 8th Rally in Albany, NY was that thousands of educators got a chance to see him and hear him speak. Nikhil is a passionate and eloquent speaker so don’t let his age fool you. I look forward to when he adds a few years to his age so people won’t focus on it so much.
As educators this should be our goal. To see our young students grow up and come into their own. All students should have the opportunity to find their voice and use it so others will benefit from hearing it.
In his speech, Nikhil cautions policymakers and politicians. Their one-size-fits all approach to learning may rob our students of their creativity and we could see fewer Nikhils in the world. However, his speech is important for many other reasons. It shows how great parenting and excellent teaching can help raise a motivated individual to be civic-minded. It also shows why it’s important for students to have a hand in their own learning.
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