Hey, nothing particularly funny, interesting, or incendiary today. Just an announcement, straight up, that I’m looking for a new research assistant as part of my AEI team. If you’re just starting out, are intrigued by the chance to plunge into an array of K-12 and higher education issues, and want to see the world of education policy from a prestigious D.C. address (17th & M, to be exact), please shoot a note to my crack research assistant Daniel Lautzenheiser at dlautz@aei.org. One of the few perks, for those who might be interested, is that Daniel, along with his colleagues Jenna Schuette and Olivia Meeks, are three of the smartest and nicest folks with whom you could imagine working. Oh, and AEI is famous for its terrific chocolate chip cookies, too.
The opinions expressed in Rick Hess Straight Up are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.