Education Opinion

EdPolicy Education: New MOOCs From ExcelinEd

By Tom Vander Ark — March 18, 2015 2 min read
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Open online resources are changing learning on planet earth. Children watch free math videos online. Farmers connect to global markets for real time price
information. The world’s knowledge is cataloged as soon as it is created. Professionals learn from the best professors in the world through free Massively
Open Online Courses (MOOC).

This week, education policymakers have a new resource to help them better understand and implement education reform efforts. The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd) launched EdPolicy Leaders Online, which is getting kicked off with three short free courses for policymakers.

Many state policymakers enter office with limited experience with education and the layers of arcane policy by which it is governed. But even the most
experienced lawmakers are finding it challenging to support the emerging opportunity to use technology to create powerful learning environments. These
courses were designed as just-in-time resources to address basic as well as emerging questions.

The courses were designed to empower policymakers to, “Build an educational system that maximizes every student’s potential for learning and prepares all
students for success in the 21st Century.” While specifically developed for education reform advocates and policymakers the courses will prove to be useful
for a broad audience that shares this mission or has interest in the topics.

Designed with leaders in mind, the courses feature nearly 40 experts across the education landscape including superintendents, senators, parents, policy
makers, teachers, and CEOs. Access to these experts helps provide diverse experience, knowledge, tools and resources needed to advance and implement
upcoming reforms.

EdPolicy Leaders Online are hosted on the Canvas LMS which hosts a variety of short
courses for secondary, higher education and general audiences.

The first three courses, open for enrollment and beginning March 23, include:

  1. Data Privacy? Get Schooled: Developed in coordination with the Data Quality Campaign, this will
    discuss the value data brings to improve education, offer recommendations for addressing privacy concerns while promoting effective data use, and
    explore lessons learned from existing and emerging policies in education and other sectors.

  2. Securing Our Nation’s Future: A failing American educational system threatens U.S. national security. In this course, participants will learn about
    these threats, the urgent need for education reform and how America can ensure its own security and global leadership for future generations.

  3. Communications Boot Camp - Winning the Ed Reform Conversation: Communication is key, and how we deliver our messages makes a big difference when it
    comes to winning the education reform conversation. Participants in this course will build communications skills in media relations, targeted
    messaging, and the use of social media.

Each of the self-paced modules are built to accommodate busy schedules and offer official recognition of completion that can be shared on social media and
resumes. Don’t miss out, enroll today.

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