Visitors to shared their comments on how Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath have affected them as educators and how their schools are responding.

We are expecting [evacuee] students in our school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Our school was built one year ago, and we are very pleased to have these new students. The disaster has been stressful for me and my family. We have 10 to 15 people living in one home at this time. ... Being a Louisianian, I wish the media across the country could just see how we have opened our warm hearts, schools, homes, and churches to the [evacuees]. People across America have been so helpful and unselfish. I would like to see more educators assist these students in purchasing uniforms or school supplies.
I am a teacher at Pass Christian High School [in Mississippi]. The heroes I want to tell you about are my students. Not only have they made every effort to locate their friends and family, but they have [also] reached out to the teachers and administration of our school. They are helping each other, providing lodging, food, and support to each other. They are assisting in the cleanup effort and are consistently questioning us about what they can do to help.
See more teachers’ responses on the effects Hurricane Katrina.
The teachers and administration at Pass High are the other heroes I want to tell you about. ... We are chomping at the bit to get these kids back into some form of a classroom. ... There is so much uncertainty and confusion, but ... we are thrilled to be of assistance. ... The tears are starting to roll, so that’s all I can tell you now. ... We love Pass High and the kids. Go Pirates!