Great Explorations: Social studies teachers can now lead their students on a virtual expedition through the Western wilderness to illustrate lessons about the explorations of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The Web-based program is timed for the bicentennial celebration of the legendary journey that from 1803 to 1806 took the pair and their entourage through uncharted territory, from St. Louis to the Pacific Coast to what is now Oregon.
The materials, available free on cd-rom, include lessons on their travels, as well as the political, economic, geographic, and environmental realities of the era. The project also provides state-specific information about the expedition and links to historical documents and related images.
In addition, the materials are linked with national standards in social studies and science to help teachers integrate the information into other lessons.
The project is sponsored by the Qwest Foundation, based in Denver, and the National Council of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial.
For more information visit The National Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Council .