Offers fellowships for Arizona teachers to study the enclosed, man-made eco-system; program plans to expand nationally.
Funds stipends for environmental-science studies for teachers and students.
The Folger Shakespeare Library
Provides stipends for its four-week Teaching Shakespeare Institute.
Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
Offers a year, semester, or six-week teaching exchange program with a stipend.
Awards $5,000 and $10,000 professional development grants for design-your-own projects.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Funds over 50 PD opportunities annually.
Teachers as Scholars, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Funds start-up costs for scholar-led professional learning in the liberal arts for public school teachers.
Toyota International Teacher Program and the Institute of International Education
Funds trips abroad for 6-12th grade teachers and librarians to study environmental science.