
For Your Students

May 01, 2001 14 min read
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Following are application dates for student contests, scholarships, and internships. Asterisks (*) denote new entries.

The Caring Institute seeks nominations of students 18 years old and younger who demonstrate extraordinary compassion, caring, and selflessness. Five winners each receive a $2,000 college scholarship, an expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., and a place in the Hall of Fame for Caring Americans. For more information, contact: Caring Institute, 320 A St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002; (202) 547-4273; e-mail

Prudential Insurance’s Spirit of Community Initiative features the Prudential Youth Leadership Institute, which is open to high school students who demonstrate leadership potential in their community. Participants in the program complete 30 hours of curriculum work and a community service project that they choose, create, and implement. For more information, contact: Points of Light Foundation, 1400 I St. N.W., Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 729-8000;

Creative Kids magazine, a product of Prufrock Press, publisher of literature to support the education of gifted children, requests submissions from students ages 8 to 14. Original cartoons, songs, stories of 800 to 900 words, puzzles, photographs, artwork, games, activities, editorials, poetry, and plays are all accepted. Teachers or students submit work labeled with the child’s name, birthday, grade, school, and home address. Students whose materials are selected for publication receive a free copy of the Creative Kids issue in which their work appears. For more information, contact: Submissions Editor, Creative Kids, P.O. Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714-8813; (800) 998-2208;

Greentimes, an environmental newspaper written by and for kids, welcomes students’ stories and ideas for publication. For more information, contact: Elizabeth Gilmore, Greentimes, 55 Reservoir St., Cambridge, MA 02138; (617) 868-5760;;

The Concord Review, the only quarterly journal to publish secondary students’ academic work, accepts student essays on any historical topic. Essays should be approximately 5,000 words plus endnotes. They also must be accompanied by an entry form available on the Review’s Web site. Submissions chosen for publication are eligible for the Emerson Prize, a $3,000 award. For more information, contact: Concord Review, P.O. Box 661, Concord, MA 01742; (800) 331-5007 or (978) 443-0022; e-mail;

World Pen Pals promotes international friendship and cultural understanding among young people around the world. Students in grades 5 through college are invited to request an overseas pen pal. Teachers may request a brochure on class participation. For more information, contact: World Pen Pals, P.O. Box 337, Saugerties, NY 12477; (845) 246-7828;

CNN Newsroom, Turner Broadcasting’s news and features program for schools, airs student-produced videos. Students may submit reports of no more than 2 ½ minutes on any topic, although they are encouraged to focus on CNN’s monthly themes. Participation is open to schools enrolled in the CNN Newsroom classroom program and the Student Bureau Program. The two-part application is available online. For more information, contact: CNN Newsroom Program, 1 CNN Center, P.O. Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30348-5366; (800) 344-6219;

PAAS, maker of Easter egg decorating kits, announces the “PASSitively Most Beautiful Easter Egg Collection” contest. Classes are encouraged to decorate eggs to a common theme and submit a class essay of 500 words or less, describing how they made the most beautiful Easter eggs. Photos of the eggs and a self-addressed stamped envelope must be included. Entries are judged in three categories: 1st-2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade, and 5th-6th grade. Four classrooms in each category win computers. For more information, contact: PAAS, Most Beautiful Egg Contest, 411 Park St., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043;

The Lorillard Tobacco Company’s Youth Smoking Prevention Program awards 10 students, ages 8 to 18, the TeenH.I.P. Scholarship. To be eligible, students must be U.S. residents; demonstrate leadership, commitment to extracurricular activities, and academic excellence with a GPA of 2.5 or above; and be nonsmokers. Applicants write one-page essays that describe “how staying active keeps me away from smoking” and provide transcripts and two letters of recommendation. Winners receive $10,000 to be used for secondary education as well as a mystery trip to a destination selected by their peers through an online poll. For more information, contact: BSMG Worldwide Inc., TeenH.I.P. Awards, 676 N. St. Clair, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60611; fax (888) 315-6006; e-mail;

Vision, Strength, and Artistic Expression, an international organization that creates learning opportunities through the arts for people with disabilities, invites 6th through 12th grade students, with and without disabilities, to enter original, one-act plays in the 2001 VSA Arts Playwright Discovery Award Program. One play that explores perspectives on living with a disability is selected for full production or staged reading at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. The winning playwright receives a monetary award and travel fare to see his or her play performed. For more information, contact: VSA Arts, 1300 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036; (800) 933-8721; (202) 737-0645; e-mail;

Beyond Words Publishing announces the Kids’ Solutions Contest. Students ages 9 to 16 are encouraged to submit their ideas for how to solve one of the problems facing the world, such as homelessness, violence, or pollution. Beyond Words publishes 20 to 30 winning submissions in a book called Kids’ Solutions. Each entry should include a one- to two-page description of how to fix the problem or what the student is already doing to solve the problem at home or in the community. Winners receive a free copy of the book and have the opportunity to be interviewed for television, radio, or magazines. For more information, contact: Kids’ Solutions Contest, Beyond Words Publishing Inc., 20827 N.W. Cornell Rd., Suite 500, Hillsboro, OR 97124; (503) 531-8700; e-mail;

ThinkQuest presents its free international Internet Challenge for 12- to 19- year-old students. Teams of two or three students, mentored by one to three adult coaches, create information-rich, Web-based educational tools and materials. Through this competition, students learn collaboration, leadership, and critical thinking skills that help raise their level of education and technological expertise. ThinkQuest provides any needed technical support to teams. Awards are given in five categories: arts and literature, science and mathematics, social sciences, sports and health, and interdisciplinary. ThinkQuest awards a $5,000 scholarship to each student on the teams with the 10 best entries. The top 90 entries receive $100 cash for each team member. Online proposals must be submitted via the ThinkQuest Web site by May 31; final entries must be completed by September 5. For more information, contact: ThinkQuest, 200 Business Park Dr., Suite 301, Armonk, NY 10590; (914) 765-8332;

June 1 ARTS
The National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts honors high school seniors and artists ages 17 and 18 through the Arts Recognition and Talent Search. The foundation recognizes talent in visual arts, film and video, dance, theater, writing, photography, and music composition and performance. Winners receive scholarships ranging from $100 to $3,000 and the chance to be named a Presidential Scholar in the Arts. One hundred and twenty-five students also are selected to take an expenses-paid trip to Miami for Arts Week, which includes formal and final performances, interviews, master classes, and group projects. Students applying by June 1 pay a $25 entry fee; those applying after that but before October 1 pay $35. Entrants submit slides of their artwork, video- or audiotapes of performances, or writing samples. For more information, contact: Arts Recognition and Talent Search, 800 Brickell Ave., Suite 500, Miami, FL 33131; (800) 970-2787;

Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge seeks entries for two essay contests for middle and high school students. Specific topics for the military essay contest vary, but students should focus on the themes of patriotism and responsible citizenship. Applicants for the youth essay contest should reflect on the theme “The Role of the American Citizen in the 21st Century.” All essays should be typed and run 500 to 1,000 words. Each contest honors one meritorious award recipient with a $100 U.S. savings bond and a George Washington honor plaque; one junior and one senior high school student in each contest receive a $50 U.S. savings bond and an honor ribbon. All entries receive an official Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge certificate. For more information, contact: Carolyn Hallman, Director of Awards, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, 1601 Valley Forge Rd., Valley Forge, PA 19482; (610) 933-8825, ext. 234; fax (610) 935- 0522; e-mail

June 1 PEACE
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, an international educational organization, announces the theme for the 2001 Swackhamer Peace Essay Contest: Your choice for the most important peace hero of the 20th century. High school students should submit essays of 800 to 1,200 words supporting their choice and describing the qualities that make that person a peace hero. Essays are judged on subject knowledge, originality of ideas, development of point of view, insight, clarity, organization, and grammar. The first-, second-, and third- place winners receive $1,500, $1,000, and $500, respectively. For more information, contact: Swackhamer Peace Essay Contest, PMB 121, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 1187 Coast Village Rd., Suite 1, Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2794;;

Discovery Communications Inc., in partnership with Science Service, encourages students in grades 5-8 to participate in the third annual Discovery Young Scientist Challenge. Students who enter Science Service-affiliated regional or state science fairs are eligible; judges at these fairs nominate individuals for the contest. Forty finalists win a trip to Washington, D.C., for the competition held at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. One top winner receives a $15,000 scholarship; second- and third-place winners receive $7,500 and $3,750, respectively. For more information, contact: Michele Glidden, 1719 N St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036-2888; (202) 785-2255; www.discoveryschoo

*June 14 FLAG DAY
The National Flag Foundation asks K-6 students to capture the essence of Flag Day through illustrations, posters, poetry, short stories, puzzles, or games. Submissions should reflect the theme “Our Flag and Our Future.” Student work is displayed during the Flag Day celebration on June 14 in Pittsburgh and become part of the NFF archives. For more information, contact: Barbara Goldman, NFF, Celebrate Flag Day, Flag Plaza, 1275 Bedford Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219; (412) 261-1776; fax (412) 261-9132; e-mail;

The Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards recognize students ages 7-17 for their contributions to multicultural awareness, peace and nonviolence, social responsibility, and nature and ecology. Ten articles, poems, and photos that illustrate these themes are selected for publication in Skipping Stones magazine. There is an entry fee of $3. For more information, contact: Youth Honor Awards, Skipping Stones Magazine, P.O. Box 3939, Eugene, OR 97403-0939; (541) 342-4956; e-mail;

*June 30 INVENTORS, the Web site of Ghostline poster board, announces the Ghostline Poster Contest. Students in grades 2-9 are encouraged to create posters on the topic of “My Favorite Inventor.” Entries must be on eleven-by- fourteen-inch Ghostline poster board and include what the person invented, when, and why it was important. The student’s name, address, phone number, age, grade, school name and address, and teacher’s name must be on the back. One first-prize winner in each grade receives $100 for the student and $25 for his or her teacher. Second- and third-place prizes in each grade are $50 for the students and $25 for their teachers; 50 honorable mentions win $5. Winners are announced in August during National Inventors Month. For more information, contact: Ghostline Poster Contest, P.O. Box 251248, Plano, TX 75025; (972) 312- 0090; e-mail;

*July 1 CRAFTS
As part of National Craft Month, the Hobby Industry Association announces the third annual National Creative Lesson Plan Contest for Teachers. Educators submit K-8 lesson plans that incorporate crafting and core curricula. The most creative and innovative proposal earns a $500 gift certificate for school craft supplies; finalists win $50 gift certificates. The number of winners depends on the number of entries. For more information, contact: NCM Lesson Plan, P.O. Box 217, Rockaway, NJ 07866;

The National Council of Teachers of English invites entries for its NCTE Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines. Literary magazines published between September 1999 and July 2000 by senior high, junior high, and middle school students will be judged in state competitions. Magazines earn rankings of “highest award,” “superior,” “excellent,” and “above average” based on content quality, writing, editing, proofreading, design and art, cover, pagination, and production. Entry fee: $25. For more information, contact: Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines, National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 W. Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801-1096; (800) 369-6283; e-mail; tml.

Optimist International, a volunteer organization devoted to providing services for youths, announces it oratorical contest to inspire today’s youngsters to motivate and inform others through the art of public speaking. Interested students must prepare a speech on the topic “We Are The Future” and present it at their local Optimist Clubs. The speeches are judged at the club level, zone level, and district level. The speech must be 4 to 5 minutes. Club-level winners receive medallions; zone-level winners receive plaques; district-level winnersreceive plaques and college scholarships whose amounts vary depending on the district. For more information, contact: Optimist International, Programs Department, Oratorical Coordinator, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108; (800) 500- 8130, ext. 224; fax (314) 371-6006; e-mail;

*July 1 POETRY
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, an international educational organization, welcomes submissions for the 2001 Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Awards, an annual series of awards to encourage poets to explore and illuminate positive visions of peace and the human spirit. Awards include two youth prizes of $200 each, one for students ages 12 and under and one for ages 13 to 18, and an adult prize of $1,000. A committee of poets selected by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation chooses the winners as well as honorable mentions in each category. For more information, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Contest, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Rd., Suite 1, Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2794;

Independent Means Inc., a company that produces programs and products promoting girls’ financial independence, invites 13- to 21-year-old women to create their own business plan for the 2001 National Business Plan Competition for Young Women. Five U.S. winners receive $2,500 and an expenses-paid trip to a major U.S. city for an awards ceremony and a women’s business conference. For more information, contact: Independent Means Inc., 126Powers Ave., Santa Barbara, CA 93103; (805) 965-0475 or (800) 350-1816; fax (805) 965-3148; e-mail;

*August 31 ICE CREAM
Dreyer’s/Edy’s Grand Ice Cream announces a nationwide search for 10 kids who want a chance to be official ice cream tasters. Students ages 6 to 14 compete in an essay contest to win an expenses-paid trip to the Dreyer’s/Edy’s Ice Cream Factory in the San Francisco Bay Area for a behind-the-scenes tour of the factory and the opportunity to test the latest ice cream flavors. Students explain in 500 words or less “why I would be a great ice cream taster.” For more information, contact: Kid Ice Cream Taster Contest, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, 5929 College Ave., Oakland, CA 94618;

—Marisha Goldhamer


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