

January 09, 2007 13 min read
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5-6—Career and technical education: Career Academy Evaluation Training, sponsored by the National Career Academy Coalition, for academy practitioners and business partners, in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: Nigel A. Whyte, P.O. Box 600490, North Miami Beach, FL 33160; (800) 986-3223 ext. 5082; fax: (954) 262-3988; e-mail:

5-8—Reading: Winter Thinking Strategies Institute: Leadership in Literacy, sponsored by the Public Education & Business Coalition, for educators and administrators, in Denver. Contact: Judy Hendricks, 1410 Grant St., Suite A-101, Denver, CO 80203; (303) 861-8661; fax: (303) 861-1501; e-mail:; Web site:

6—Middle schools: Target Spotlight School Visits: Teams and Teaming, sponsored by the New England League of Middle Schools, for middle-level educators, at Barrington Middle School in Barrington, RI. Contact: Valerie Kacian, 460 Boston St., Suite 4, Topsfield, MA 01983; (978) 887-6263; fax: (978) 887-6504; e-mail:; Web site:

7-8—Middle schools: Literacy Coaches, sponsored by the New England League of Middle Schools, for middle-level educators, at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, Mass. Contact: Valerie Kacian, 460 Boston St., Suite 4, Topsfield, MA 01983; (978) 887-6263; fax: (978) 887-6504; e-mail:; Web site:

7-8—Instruction: Differentiated Instruction, sponsored by the New England League of Middle Schools, for middle-level educators, at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, Mass. Contact: Valerie Kacian, 460 Boston St., Suite 4, Topsfield, MA 01983; (978) 887-6263; fax: (978) 887-6504; e-mail:; Web site:

7-10—After-school education: Beyond School Hours 10 Conference, sponsored by Foundations Inc. and the U.S. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, for after-school educators, at the Sheraton Greensboro Hotel at Four Seasons in Greensboro, N.C. Contact: John Henderson, 2 Executive Drive, Suite 1, Moorestown, NJ 08057; (888) 977-5437; fax: (856) 533-1601; e-mail:; Web site:

7-10—Bilingual education: One Nation: Many Languages, Many Cultures in a Changing World, sponsored by the National Association for Bilingual Education, for bilingual educators, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, Calif. Contact: NABE, 1030 15th St. N.W., Suite 470, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 898-1829; fax: (202) 789-2866; Web site:

8—Technology: But It’s My Space! sponsored by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, for educators, administrators, and parents. This is an audio seminar. Contact: Kathleen Straight, 1165 N. Clark St. Suite 311, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 255-1244; fax: (312) 255-1278; e-mail:; Web site:

8-9—Education law: Legal Essentials for School Personnel Professionals, sponsored by the American Association of School Personnel Administrators, for school district human resource staff, at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh. Contact: Jody Shelton, 533B N. Mur-Len Road, Olathe, KS 66062; (913) 829-2007; fax: (913) 829-2041; e-mail:; Web site:

8-10—Music education: National Association for Music Education Southern Division Conference, sponsored by the South Carolina Music Educators Association, for music teachers, in Charleston, S.C. Contact: Patricia H. Croft; e-mail:; Web site:

9-10—Minority education: 6th Annual Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education, sponsored by the Georgia Southern University-College of Education and Continuing Education Center, for educators, counselors, psychologists and social workers, at the Coastal Georgia Center in Savannah. Contact: Sybil Fickle, P.O. Box 8124, Statesboro, GA 30460; (912) 681-5557; fax: (912) 681-0306; e-mail:; Web site: /; Web site:

14-16—Technology: Illinois Online Conference, sponsored by Lake Land College, for K-20 educators and technology specialists. Contact: Steve Garren, 5001 Lake Land Blvd., Mattoon, IL 61938; (217) 234-5459; fax: (217) 234-5533; Web site:

15—Independent schools: Effecting Change, sponsored by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, for educators, administrators, and parents. This is an audio seminar. Contact: Kathleen Straight, 1165 N. Clark St., Suite 311, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 255-1244; fax: (312) 255-1278; e-mail:; Web site:

15-18—Music education: Northwest Division Conference, sponsored by the National Association for Music Education, for music teachers, in Portland, Ore. Contact: The National Association for Music Education, 1806 Robert Fulton Drive, Reston, VA 20191; (800) 336-3768; Web site:

16-20—Higher education: 26th Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience, sponsored by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, for educators, in Addison, Texas. Contact: Nina L. Glisson, 1728 College St., Columbia, SC 29208; (803) 777-8158; fax: (803) 777-4699; e-mail:; Web site:

17—Teachers: I Teach Regional Conference, sponsored by Kappa Delta Pi, for teachers, at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in Edwardsville, Ill. Contact: Kappa Delta Pi, 3707 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1158; (800) 284-3167; fax: (317) 704-2323; Web site:

17-20—Online education: e-Learning 2007, sponsored by the Instructional Technology Council, for distance-learning educators, administrators, and developers, at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: ITC, 1 Dupont Circle N.W., Suite 360, Washington, DC 20036-1143; (202) 293-3110; fax: (202) 822-5014; Web site:

17-21—Teacher education: 2007 Annual Meeting, sponsored by the Association of Teacher Educators, for teacher educators, at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego. Contact: ATE, P.O. Box 793, Manassas, VA 20113; (703) 331-0911; fax: (703) 331-3666; e-mail:; Web site:

18-20—Independent schools: Mid-Winter Seminar, sponsored by The Lookstein Center, for administrators at Jewish schools, in Miami. Contact: Deborah Court, Director, Principals’ Program, The Lookstein Center, Bar-Ilan University, Israel 52900; e-mail:; Web site:

18-21—At-risk youths: 19th Annual At-Risk Youth National Forum, sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, for educators, administrators, counselors, resource officers, and community members, at the Embassy Suites Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Contact: Linda Shirley, 209 Martin St., Clemson, SC 29631; (864) 656-2675; fax: (864) 656-0136; e-mail:; Web site:

19-21—Early-childhood education: Preschool Institutes, sponsored by the Core Knowledge Foundation, for early-childhood educators and administrators, at the Wardman Park Marriott in Washington. Contact: Core Knowledge Foundation, Conference Registrar, 801 E. High St., Charlottesville, VA 22902; Web site:

20—Instruction: The Homework Myth, sponsored by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, for educators, administrators, and parents. This is an audio seminar. Contact: Kathleen Straight, 1165 N. Clark St., Suite 311, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 255-1244; fax: (312) 255-1278; e-mail:; Web site:

21—Administrators: The Whole Educator: A Workshop for School Administrators, sponsored by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, for administrators from independent schools, at the Catherine Cook School in Chicago. Contact: Kathleen Straight, 1165 N. Clark St. Suite 311, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 255-1244; fax: (312) 255-1278; e-mail:; Web site:

21-24—International education: 41st Annual Conference, sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of International Education, for educators, at the Hyatt Embarcadero in San Francisco. Contact: Richard Krajczar; e-mail:; Web site:

22-24—Reading: 16th Core Knowledge National Conference: Integrating Reading and Literacy Across the Content Areas, sponsored by the Core Knowledge Foundation, for elementary- and middle-level educators and administrators, at the Wardman Park Marriott in Washington. Contact: Core Knowledge Foundation, Conference Registrar, 801 E. High St., Charlottesville, VA 22902; Web site:

22-24—Higher education: TYCA-Southeast Conference, sponsored by the Two-Year College English Association, for two-year college English instructors, at the Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Riverfront in Jacksonville, Fla. Contact: Joel Henderson, 4501 Amnicola Highway, Chattanooga TN 37406-1097; (423) 697-4403; e-mail:; Web site:

23—Public relations: Starting From the Basics: Building a Strategic Communications Plan, sponsored by the National School Public Relations Association, for school communications officers and administrators, via teleconference. Contact: Elaine Willis, NSPRA, 15948 Derwood Road, Rockville, MD 20855; (301) 519-1230; fax: (301) 519-0494; e-mail:; Web site:

23-25—Principals: 91st Annual Convention and Exposition, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, for secondary-level principals, in Las Vegas. Contact: NASSP, 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1537; (703) 860-0200; fax: (703) 476-5490; Web site:

24-27—Teacher education: 2007 Annual Meeting and Exhibits: From Vision to Action, sponsored by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, for teacher educators, at the Hilton New York in New York City. Contact: AACTE, 1307 New York Ave. N.W., Suite 300, Washington DC 20005-4701; (202) 293-2450; fax: (202) 457-8095; Web site:

26-28—Technology: Midwest Education Technology Conference, sponsored by Cooperating School Districts, for administrators, teachers, and technology coordinators, at the Sheraton Westport Lakeside Chalet in St. Louis. Contact: Dorothy White, Cooperating School Districts, 1460 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO 63146; (314) 692-1250; fax: (314) 872-9128; e-mail:; Web site:

28-March 3—Independent schools: 2007 Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Association of Independent Schools, for educators and administrators at independent schools, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Contact: NAIS, 1620 L St. N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036-5695; (202) 973-9700; fax: (202) 973-9790; e-mail:; Web site:


1-3—Technology: Annual Conference, sponsored by Computer-Using Educators, for educators and administrators, at the Palm Springs Convention Center in Palm Springs, Calif. Deadline: Feb. 9. Contact: Marisol Valles, 300 Lakeside Drive, 25th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612; (510) 814-6630; fax: (510) 444-4569; e-mail:; Web site:

1-4—Administrators: 2007 National Conference on Education, sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators, for administrators, in New Orleans. Contact: AASA, 801 N. Quincy St., Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203-1730; (703) 528-0700; fax: (703) 841-1543; Web site:

4-6—Reading: National Conference on Family Literacy, sponsored by the National Center for Family Literacy, for administrators and practitioners, at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Fla. Contact: Shannon Baete, National Center for Family Literacy, 325 West Main St., Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40202; (502) 584-1133 ext. 180; fax: (502) 584-0172; e-mail:; Web site:

4-7—At-risk youths: National Youth-At-Risk Conference, sponsored by the College of Education and the Continuing Education Center at Georgia Southern University, for teachers, administrators, parents and community members, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Savannah, Ga. Deadline: March 2, 2007. Contact: Deborah Champion, Georgia Southern’s Center for Continuing Education, P.O. Box 8124, Statesboro, GA 30460; (912) 871-1755; fax: (912) 681-0306; e-mail:; Web site:

6—Independent schools: Moral Life of Schools: Why Schools Are Counter-Cultural, sponsored by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, for faculty, administrators and trustees. This is an audio seminar. Contact: Kathleen Straight, 1165 N. Clark St. Suite 311, Chicago, IL 60610; (312) 255-1244; fax: (312) 255-1278; e-mail:; Web site:

6—Middle schools: Fluency and Comprehension Workshop, sponsored by the Hill Center, for middle school teachers, at the Hill Center in Durham, N.C. Contact: Jean Neville, 3200 Pickett Road, Durham, NC 27705; (919) 489-7464; e-mail:

7—Administrators: Teaching with Strengths, sponsored by the Gallup Organization’s Education Division, for administrators and professional-development leaders, at Gallup’s offices in Washington. Deadline: Feb. 23. Contact: Gary Evans, the Gallup Organization, 1001 Gallup Drive, Omaha, NE 68102; (402) 938-6517; fax: (888) 500-8282; e-mail:; Web site:

7-9—Instruction: Using Small Learning Communities to More Deeply Implement the High Schools That Work Design, sponsored by the Southern Regional Education Board, for secondary-level educators and administrators, at the Marriott Charleston Riverview Hotel in Charleston, S.C. Contact: SREB, 592 10th St. N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318; (404) 962-9629; Web site:

7-9—Leadership: Instructional Leadership in the 21st Century, sponsored by the Brigham Young University-Public School Partnership, for teachers and administrators, at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City. Contact: Myra Tollestrup, BYU-Public School Partnership, 149 MCKB, Provo, UT 84602; (801) 422-4646; fax: (801) 422-0199; e-mail:; Web site:

8-9—Reading: Teaching for Comprehending: Lessons in Using a Reader’s Notebook for Thinking About Texts, sponsored by Lesley University, Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative, for classroom teachers of grades 2-8, reading teachers, and literacy specialists, in Newark, N.J. Deadline: March 6. Contact: Margaret Zawasky, 29 Everett St., Cambridge, MA 02138; (617) 349-8402; fax: (617) 349-8490; e-mail:; Web site:

8-10—Foreign languages: 2007 Conference, sponsored by the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, for foreign-language teachers, at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Patrick T. Raven, CSCTFL, P.O. Box 251, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0251; (414) 276-4650; fax: (414) 276-4650; e-mail:; Web site:

8-11—Middle schools: California League of Middle Schools Conference, sponsored by the California League of Middle Schools, for middle-level educators, at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego. Contact: Katie Winchell, 6615 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 120, Long Beach, CA 90803; (800) 326-1880; e-mail:; Web site:

8-11—Music education: National Association for Music Education Eastern Division Conference, sponsored by the Connecticut Music Educators Association, for music teachers, in Hartford, Conn. Contact: CMEA, 1800 Silas Deane Highway, Suite 219, Rocky Hill, CT 06067; e-mail:; Web site:

9—Public relations: Make Your Staff Media Savvy: How to Train Your Staff Members for Their Next Media Encounter, sponsored by the National School Public Relations Association, for school communications officers and administrators, via teleconference. Contact: Elaine Willis, NSPRA, 15948 Derwood Road, Rockville, MD 20855; (301) 519-1230; fax: (301) 519-0494; e-mail:; Web site:

A version of this article appeared in the January 10, 2007 edition of Education Week


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