November 2001 | December 2001
** marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
7-9--Principals: Annual convention, sponsored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association, for Texas elementary and middle school principals, assistant principals, and supervisors, at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. Contact: Lisa Holloway, TEPSA, 510 E. 10th St., Austin, TX 78701; (512) 478-5268; fax: (512) 478-1502; e-mail:; Web site:
7-10--Drama: Annual conference, sponsored by the National Association for Drama Therapy, for counselors and drama faculty, at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: Angela Comfort, NAPT, 5505 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 280, Washington, DC 20015; (202) 966-7409; fax: (202) 966- 2283; e-mail:; Web site:
13-26--Community education: Annual conference, sponsored by the National Community Education Association, for after-school practitioners, 21st Century Community Learning Center staff, school district personnel, superintendents, university personnel, and interested community members, at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. Contact: NCEA, 3929 Old Lee Hwy., Suite 91A, Fairfax, VA 22030; (703) 359-8973; fax: (703) 359-0972; e-mail:
14-16--Education law: 48th Annual Conference, sponsored by the Education Law Association, for attorneys, professors, school administrators, and others interested in education law, at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans. Contact: Mandy Bingaman, Executive Director, ELA, 300 College Park-0528, Dayton, OH 45469; (937) 229- 3589; fax: (937) 229-3845; e-mail:; Web site:
20-21--Foreign language: Conference, sponsored by the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages, for district-level foreign language teaching personnel, in Salt Lake City. Contact: Loretta Williams, Plano ISD, 150 Sunset, Plano, TX 75075; (972) 519-8196; fax: (972) 519-8031; e-mail:
21-24--English: Annual convention, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for all levels of English teachers and teacher educators, in Atlanta. Contact: NCTE, 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801-1096; (217) 328-3870; fax: (217) 278-3761; e-mail:; Web site:
22-24--Foreign language: Conference, sponsored by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, for foreign language teachers, in Salt Lake City. Contact: ACTFL, 6 Executive Plaza, Yonkers, NY 10701-6801; (914) 963-8830; fax: (914) 963-1275; e-mail:; Web site: