A symbol (*) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
17—School safety: Talk About Touching: A Personal Safety Curriculum Staff Training Workshop, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors, in Seattle. Contact: CC, Client Support Services, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 200; fax: (206) 343-1445; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
17-18— Assessment: Balancing Instruction and Assessment through Differentiation, sponsored by Regent University School of Education, for educators, at the university in Virginia Beach, Va. Contact: Hope Jordan, RUSE, 1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464; (757) 226-4438; fax: (757) 226-4147; e-mail: hopejor@regent.edu; Web site: www.regent.edu/edconference.
17-18—English: 2003 Pacific Northwest Conference—At Home on the Range: Lessons for Success in the Pacific Northwest, sponsored by the Two-Year College English Association, for teacher-educators, in Spokane, Wash. Contact: Dana Elder, TYCA; e-mail: dana.elder@mail.ewu.edu; Web site: http://ef.linnbenton.edu/depts/tyca/web.cfm?pgID=85.
17-19— Montessori education: Science Catches Up to Montessori Conference, sponsored by the American Montessori Society, for educators, at the Coast Anaheim Hotel, in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: Mimi Basso, AMS, 281 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10010; (212) 358-1250; fax: (212) 358- 1256; e-mail: mimi@amshq.org; Web site: www.amshq.org.
18—Achievement: Preventing Academic Failure: Part I, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for teachers in grades 1-3 and teachers of remedial classes, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 301 E. 29th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; fax: (212) 722-6555; e-mail: sspero@churchillschool.com; Web site: www.churchillcenter.org.
18- 21—Technology: North America Web- Based Teaching and Learning Conference 2003, sponsored by the University of New Brunswick, for educators, in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Contact: UNB; (506) 447-3018; fax: (506) 453-3590; e-mail: naweb@unb.ca; Web site: http://naweb.unb.ca.
19—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, at St. Louis University in St. Louis. Contact: Lainie Wade, SLU, 221 N. Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63103; (314) 977-3416; e-mail: wadel@slu.edu; Web site: www.nacac.com.
19—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Philadelphia. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
19-21— Principals: 11th Annual State Principals’ Conference, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals, for elementary, middle-level, and secondary school principals, at the Radisson/Penn Harris Hotel in Camp Hill, Pa. Contact: PAESSP, 122 Valley Road, PO Box 39, Summerdale, PA 17093; (717) 732-4999; fax: (717) 732-4890; e-mail: sherit@paessp.org; Web site: www.paessp.org.
19- 21—Professional development: Overcoming the Barriers: Achieving Excellence and Success, sponsored by the National Black Child Development Institute, for educators, at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. Contact: Vicki D. Pinkston, NBCDI, 1101 15th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20005; (202) 833-2220; fax: (202) 833-8222; e-mail: moreinfo@nbcdi.org; Web site: www.nbcdi.org.
19-22—Leadership: Exploration of Executive Leadership Seminar, sponsored by Aurora University’s Center for Educational Executives, for school leaders, at the Wisconsin campus in Williams Bay, Wis. Contact: Marvin Edwards, AUCE, 347 S. Gladstone Ave., Aurora, IL 60506; (630) 844-4625; fax: (630) 844-5530; e-mail: medwards@aurora.edu; Web site: www.aurora.edu/cee.
19-25—School safety: Safe Schools Week, sponsored by the National School Safety Center, for elementary, middle, and secondary educators, with events scheduled nationwide. Contact: NSSC, 141 Duesenberg Drive, Suite 11, Westlake Village, CA 91362; (805) 373-9977; Web site: www.nssc1.org.
20—Best practices: Workshop: Best Practices and New Developments in Reading and Literacy, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for teachers and administrators, at the university in Madison, Wis. Contact: UWM, Office of Education Outreach, 1050 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706-1386; (608) 262-7419; e-mail: outreachinfo@education.wisc.edu</ a>; Web site:www.education.wisc.edu/ outreach.
20—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in New York City. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
20-24—Mathematics: One-day Workshops: Making Algebra Child’s Play, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for math teachers and administrators, offered at various locations nationwide. Contact: Maria Roach, AIT, Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509 or (812) 339-2203 ext. 216; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: workshops@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net/workshops.
20-24— Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds, for K-12 educators, in Olean and Lake George, NY. Contact: Barbara Van Wicklin, BOCES; (716) 376- 8321; e-mail: barb_Vanwicklin@cabo.wynric.org</ a>; Web site:www.allkindsofminds.org.
21— Counseling education: Fall Counselor Workshop, sponsored by the College Board, for secondary school counselors, at Commonwealth High School in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Contact: Stephen L. DiPietro, CB, Two Bala Plaza, Suite 900, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004; (610) 667-8900 ext. 124; fax: (610) 667-6998; e-mail: sdipietro@collegeboard.org; Web site: www.collegeboard.org.
21— Middle schools: Day One and Beyond, Part 2, sponsored by the National Middle School Association, for educators, online. Contact: Mary Henton, NMSA, 4151 Executive Parkway, Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081; (800) 528-NMSA; fax: (614) 895-4750; e-mail: mhenton@nmsa.org; Web site: www.nmsa.org.
21—Professional development: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail: Satellite.Town.Meeting@ed.gov; Web site: www.ed.gov/inits/stm/.
21- 24—Parental involvement: Common Sense Parenting of Toddlers and Preschoolers: Training of Trainers, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; Web site: www.girlsandboystown.org.
21- 29—Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds, for K-12 educators, in Fredonia, NY. Contact: Barbara Van Wicklin, BOCES; (716) 376-8321; e-mail: barb_Vanwicklin@cabo.wynric.org</ a>; Web site:www.allkindsofminds.org.
22— College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; e-mail: skarpf@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
22—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Boston. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com
22—Mentoring: National Peer Helpers Day, sponsored by the National Peer Helpers Association, for educators and peer advisers, with events nationwide. Contact: NPHA, PO Box 32272, Kansas City, MO 64171-5272; (800) 362-7337; fax: (913) 362-0735; e-mail: npha@peerhelping.org; Web site: www.peerhelping.org.
22-23— Science: Lab Safety Workshop, sponsored by the Laboratory Safety Institute, for K-20 science educators, lab workers, and supervisors, at the Wingate Inn in Birmingham, Ala. Contact: LSI, 192 Worcester Road, Natick, MA 01760-2252; (508) 647-1900; fax: (508) 647- 0062; labsafe@aol.com; Web site: www.labsafety.org.
22-24—School safety: Second Step: A Violence Prevention Program Train the Trainer Workshop, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors, in San Diego, Calif. and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Contact: CC, Client Support Services, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 200; fax: (206) 343-1445; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
22-24— Teacher education: National Workshop: Quantum Learning for Teachers, sponsored by YouthBuild Academy for Transformation, for K-12 teachers, in Boston. Contact: Michelle Quinn-Davidson, YouthBuild USA, 58 Day St., Third Floor, Somerville, MA 02144; (617) 741-1256; fax: (617) 623- 4331; e-mail: mquinn- davidson@youthbuild.org; Web site: www.youthbuild.org/academy.
*22-24—Teacher education: National Workshop: Quantum Learning for Teachers, sponsored by YouthBuild Academy for Transformation, for K-12 teachers, in Boston. Contact: Michelle Quinn- Davidson, YouthBuild USA, 58 Day St., Third Floor, Somerville, MA 02144; (617) 741-1256; fax: (617) 623-4331; e-mail: mquinn-davidson@youthbuild.org; Web site: www.youthbuild.org/academy.
22-24—Technology: T+L2: Leading Learning to a Higher Level Conference, sponsored by the National School Boards Association, for technology directors, teachers, and administrators, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: Ann Flynn, Director of Education Technology Programs, NSBA, 1680 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 838-6722; e-mail: aflynn@nsba.org; Web site: www.nsba.org/itte.
22- 25—Rural education: Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Rural Education Association, for rural educators and administrators, at the Holiday Inn in Kearney, Neb. Contact: Bob Mooneyham, NREA, 820 Van Vleet Oval, Room 227, Norman, OK 74019; (405) 325-7959; fax: (405) 325-7959; e-mail: bmooneyham@ou.edu; Web site: www.nrea.net.
22-26—Libraries: 11th National Conference and Exhibition, sponsored by the American Association of School Libraries, for school library media specialists, at Bartle Hall in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Jared Cohen, AASL, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 280-1393; fax: (312) 664-7459; e-mail: jcohen@ala.org; Web site: www.ala.org/aasl/kc.
22-26—Urban schools: 47th Annual Fall Conference, sponsored by the Council of the Great City Schools, for urban school superintendents, administrators, and board members, at the Westin Grand Hotel in Chicago. Contact: Terry Tabor, CGCS, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Suite 702, Washington, DC 20004; (202) 393-2427; fax: (202) 393-2400; e-mail: ttabor@cgcs.org; Web site: www.cgcs.org.
23—Staff development: Workshop: Master Schedule, sponsored by Hofstra University, for school personnel and administrators, at the university in Lawrence, N.Y. Contact: Barbara Calvo-Moran or Martin Blum, HU, Hempstead, NY 15549; (516) 463-5750; Web site: www.hofstra.edu.
23-24— Assessment: A Delicate Balance: Technology and the Human Connection, sponsored by the Educational Records Bureau, for teachers, administrators, and admissions directors, at the Crowne Plaza Manhattan Hotel, in New York City. Contact: Karen Crawford, ERB, 220 E. 42nd St., New York, NY 10017; (973) 509-7526; fax: (973) 632-0821; e-mail: kaconsite@aol.com.
*23-24—Gifted education: Workshop: Enriching the Learning Experience for Gifted Students, sponsored by the University of California, Riverside Extension, at the UCR Extension Center in Riverside, Calif. Contact: UCR, 1200 University Ave., Riverside, CA 92521; (909) 787-4361 ext, 1-1655; fax: (909) 787-2456; e-mail: steele@ucx.ucr.edu; Web site: www.ucx.ucr.edu.
23-24— Leadership: Leadership for Continuous Improvement: Strategies and Guidelines for Systemwide Planning and Support for Local Schools, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for teachers and administrators, at NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: Five days before event. Contact: NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e- mail: schoolimprovement@nsse.org; Web site: www.nsse.org.
23- 24—Learning disabilities: 24th Annual Conference on Mainstreaming Students with Hearing Loss, sponsored by the Mainstream Center at the Clarke School for the Deaf, for teachers of the deaf, classroom teachers, school psychologists, early intervention specialists, and graduate students, at the Sheraton Hotel in Springfield, Mass. Contact: Barbara Rochan, MCCSD, 48 Round Hill Road, Northhampton, MA 01060; (413) 587-7313; fax: (413) 586-6654; e- mail: brochon@clarkeschool.org; Web site: www.clarkeschool.org.
*23- 25—Gifted education: New England Gifted Education Conference: Different Drumming: The Psychology of Giftedness, sponsored by the New England Conference on Gifted and Talented Education, for K-12 educators, at the Sheraton Nashua, in Nashua, N.H. Contact: Barbara DeVore, NECGTE, PO Box 6106, Nashua, NH 03063-6106; (603) 424-6215; Web site: www.necgt.org.
23- 25—Reading: 54th Annual Reading Conference, sponsored by the New England Reading Association, for K-12 educators and administrators, at the Marriott and Crowne Plaza Hotels in Nashua, N.H. Contact: Duane L. Small, NERA, PO Box 997, Portland, ME 04104-0997; (207) 838-8157; e-mail: nera@maine.rr.com; Web site: www.nereading.org.
23-25— Sex education: 13th Joint International Conference on Sexual Assault and Harassment on Campus, sponsored by the Safe Schools Coalition, for teachers, administrators, school law enforcement officials, and school board and community members, at the Hyatt Orlando Hotel in Kissimmee, Fla. Contact: David Anderson, SSC, 5351 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL 34217; (800) 537-4903; fax: (941) 778-6818; e-mail: ssc@tampabay.rr.com; Web site: www.thesafeschools.org.
23- 25—Technology: 2003 Fall CUE Conference, sponsored by Computer-Using Educators, Inc., for educators and administrators, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, Calif. Contact: Annie Martin, CUE, 2150 Mariner Square, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501; (510) 814-6630; fax: (510) 814- 0195; e-mail: cueinc@cue.org; Web site: www.cue.org.
23- 25—Technology: National Student Conference of the National Consortium of Specialized Secondary Schools in Mathematics, Science and Technology: Rebuilding the American Dream Through Engineering and Technology, sponsored by Polytechnic University and Brooklyn Technical High School, for high school students and teachers, at the university in Brooklyn, N.Y. Contact: Noel N. Kriftcher, Executive Director, Packard Center for Technology and Educational Alliance, PU, (718) 260-3524; fax: (718) 260-3733; e-mail: nkrift@poly.edu; or Matthew M. Mandery, Director, Brooklyn Technical High School, CARETECH Project; (718) 797-2285; fax: (718) 797-9304; e-mail: Mmmandery@aol.com.
23- 25—Writing: National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, sponsored by the International Writing Centers Association, for writing center directors, writing teachers, and secondary teachers, in Hershey, Pa. Contact: Ben Rafoth; e-mail: brafoth@iup.edu; Web site: www.wc.iup.edu/2003conference.
24—Animal education: Workshop: Animals in the Classroom, sponsored by the Pet Care Trust Foundation, for humane educators, K-12 teachers, administrators, and school nurses, at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. Contact: Jeanne Chowning or John Pitts, PCTF, 36-951 Leland Valley Road W., Quilcene, WA 98376; (206) 956-3647 or (360) 765-3311; fax: (360) 765-3399; e-mail: jchowning@wabr.org or jlpitts@olympus.net; Web site: www.petcaretrust.org.
24—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, in Chicago. Contact: Michael Dessimoz, Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60605-1395; (312) 341-2121; e-mail: mdessimo@roosevelt.edu; Web site: www.nacac.com.
24—Counseling: Mid- Atlantic Regional Workshop: The Passionate Educator—Sustaining and Rediscovering the Adventure in Teaching and Counseling, sponsored by Ocean County College and GroupWorks for Education, for teachers and administrators, in Toms River, N.J. Deadline: Oct. 17. Contact: Dr. Toby Feinson, GWE, 39-15 D’Auria Drive, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410; (201) 819-9285; e-mail: drtoby@groupswork.org.
*24— Learning disabilities: Eighth Annual Scientific Conference: How Do We Identify Learning Disabilities?, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for K-12 educators, in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail: lois.meyer@labschool.org.
25— Achievement: Preventing Academic Failure: Part I, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for teachers in grades 1-3 and teachers of remedial classes, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 301 E. 29th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; fax: (212) 722-6555; e-mail: sspero@churchillschool.com; Web site: www.churchillcenter.org.
25— Arts education: The Role of the Arts in the Transformation of School Culture, sponsored by the Lesley University Center for Peaceable Schools, for K-12 educators, at the university in Cambridge, Mass. Contact: LUCPS, 29 Everett St., Cambridge, MA 02138; (800) 999- 1959 ext. 8134 or (617) 349-8134; e-mail: peace@lesley.edu; Web site: www.lesley.edu/peace.html.
25—Mathematics: Fourth Annual Investigations User’s Conference, sponsored by TERC , for K-12 educators, at Hudson High School in Hudson, Mass. Contact: Lorraine Brooks, TERC, 2067 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140; (617) 547-0430; e-mail: lorraine_brooks@terc.edu; Web site: www. terc.edu/investigations/whatsnew/html/relatedevents.html.
*25—Mathematics: Fourth Annual Investigations User’s Conference, sponsored by TERC , for K-12 educators, at Hudson High School in Hudson, Mass. Contact: Lorraine Brooks, TERC, 2067 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140; (617) 547-0430; e-mail: lorraine_brooks@terc.edu; Web site: www. terc.edu/investigations/whatsnew/html/relatedevents.html.
25—Special education: Workshop: Individualized Education, sponsored by the Lesley University Center for Special Education, for K-12 educators, at the university in Cambridge, Mass. Contact: Susan Kando, LUCSE, 29 Everett St., Cambridge, MA 02138; (800) 999-1959 ext. 8260 or (617) 349- 8260; e-mail: skando@mail.lesley.edu; Web site: www.lesley.edu.
*25- 29—Dropouts: 93rd Annual Conference, Building Bridges to Student Success, sponsored by the International Association for Truancy and Dropout Prevention, for educators, social workers, and school psychologists, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Lexington, Ky. Contact: Web site: www.iatdp.org.
26—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Washington. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
*26- 27—Independent schools: 2003 Head Conference, sponsored by the Southern Association of Independent Schools, for educators, at the Ritz- Carlton Downtown Atlanta, in Atlanta. Contact: Lori Spear, SAIS, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033; (404) 633-2203; fax: (404) 633-2433; e-mail: lori@sais.org; Web site: www.sais.org.
26-28— Assessment: Midwest Conference on Quality: Strategies to Enhance Classroom Performance, sponsored by the Hamilton County Educational Service Center, for K-12 educators, at the Cincinnati Airport Marriott in Hebron, Ky. Deadline: Oct. 17. Contact: Sylvia Lasita, HCESC, 11083 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45231; (513) 674-4259; fax: (513) 742-5525; e-mail: lasita_s@hcesc.org; Web site: www.hcese.org/pdevents.
*26-28—School improvement: SERVE Forum on School Improvement: The Power of Collective Knowledge, sponsored by SERVE Regional Laboratory, at the Beau Rivage Resort in Biloxi, Miss. Contact: Rebecca Rhoden Ogletree, SERVE, 1203 Governors’ Square Blvd., Suite 400, Tallahassee, FL 32301; (850) 671-6000; fax: (850) 671-6020; e-mail: bogletre@serve.org; Web site: www.serve.org.
26-29—At-risk youth: 15th Annual National Dropout Prevention Center/Network Conference, sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Network, for educators, policymakers, social workers, and law enforcement personnel, at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Linda Shirley, NDPN, 209 Martin St., Clemson, SC 29631-1555; (864) 656- 2675; fax: (864) 656-0136; e-mail: ndpc@clemson.edu; Web site: www.dropoutprevention.org.
26- 29—Leadership: Executive Leadership Seminar, sponsored by the Aurora University Center for Educational Executives, for administrators, at the Wisconsin campus in Williams Bay, Wis. Deadline: Oct. 3. Contact: Marvin Edwards, AUCE, 347 S. Gladstone Ave., Aurora, IL 60506; (630) 844-4625; fax: (630) 844-5530; e-mail: medwards@aurora.edu; Web site: www.aurora.edu/cee.
27—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, parents, and students, in Milwaukee. Contact: Jeff Artero, Nicolet High School, 6701 N. Jean Nicolet Road, Glendale, WI 53217; (414) 351-7556; e- mail: Jeff_artero@nicolet.k12.wi.us; Web site: www.nacac.com.
27—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Atlanta. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
27—High schools: Workshop: Study Skills for High School Students, sponsored by the Hill Center, for high school teachers and administrators, at the center in Durham, N.C. Contact: HC, 3200 Pickett Road, Durham, N.C. 27705-6010; (919) 489- 7464; fax: (919) 489-7466; Web site: www.hillcenter.org.
27- 28—Technology: 2003 Interactive Media Forum Conference: Identity & Cultures in Cyberspace, sponsored by Miami University, for educators, students, and authors, at the Marcum Conference Center in Oxford, Ohio. Deadline: Oct. 17. Contact: Center for Interactive Media Studies, MU, 28 King Library, Oxford, OH 45056; (513) 529-1637; e-mail: cims@muohio.edu; Web site: http://student.sba.muohio/ims/forum.
27-29—Mathematics: One-Day Workshops: Making Algebra Child’s Play, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for math teachers and administrators, offered at various locations nationwide. Contact: Maria Roach, AIT, Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509 or (812) 339-2203 ext. 216; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: workshops@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net/workshops.
27- 29—Mathematics: Academy for Professional Development Algebra Institute, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, for math educators, at the Mystic Marriott Hotel in Mystic, Conn. Contact: NCTM, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-9988; (800) 235-7566; Web site: www.nctm.org/academy.
28—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Miami. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
28- 29—Science: Lab Safety Workshop, sponsored by the Laboratory Safety Institute, for K-20 science educators, lab workers, and supervisors, at the Quality Inn in Minneapolis. Contact: LSI, 192 Worcester Road, Natick, MA 01760- 2252; (508) 647-1900; fax: (508) 647-0062; email: labsafe@aol.com; Web site: www.labsafety.org.
28-30— Professional development: Technology Integration Practicum, sponsored by the WestEd Teacher Development Center, for K-8 teachers, at the Teacher Development Center in Cupertino, Calif. Contact: Harlin Hansen, TDC, Portal School, 10300 N. Blaney Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014; (408) 252-3000 ext. 167; fax: (408) 973-8259; e-mail: Hansen_Harlin@pc.cupertino.k 12.ca.us; Web site: www.WestEd.org.
28- 30—Substitutes: SubSolutions Orlando Conference, sponsored by the Substitute Teaching Institute at Utah State University, for administrators and personnel managing substitutes, in Orlando, Fla. Contact: Geoffrey G. Smith, STI, 6516 Old Main Hall, Logan, UT 84322; (800) 922-4693; fax: (435) 797-0944; e-mail: gsmit@subedu.usu.edu; Web site: http://subed.usu.edu.
28-Nov. 1—Behavior: 2003 Conference, sponsored by Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder, for educators, parents, health-care providers, social workers, and lawyers, at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Denver. Contact: Marsha Bokman, Director of Meetings and Events, CHADD, 8181 Professional Place, Suite 201, Landover, MD 20785; (301) 306-7070; fax: (301) 306-7071; e-mail: marsha_bokman@chadd.org; Web site: www.chadd.org.
29—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Houston. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
29- 30—Science: Lab Safety Workshop, sponsored by the Laboratory Safety Institute, for K-20 science educators, lab workers, and supervisors, at the Comfort Suites in Tucson, Ariz. Contact: LSI, 192 Worcester Road, Natick, MA 01760-2252; (508) 647-1900; fax: (508) 647-0062; labsafe@aol.com; Web site: www.labsafety.org.
29-31—School safety: Second Step: A Violence Prevention Program Train the Trainer Workshop, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors, in Tampa, Fla. Contact: CC, Client Support Services, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 200; fax: (206) 343-1445; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
29-Nov. 1—At- risk youth: 15th Annual CHADD International Conference, sponsored by Children and Adults with Attention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, for educators and parents, at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Denver. Contact: Marsha Bokman, CHADD, 8181 Professional Place, Landover, MD 20785; (301) 306-7070 ext. 118; fax: (301) 306-7090; e-mail: marsha_bokman@chadd.org; Web site: www.chadd.org.
30—College fair: Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Dallas. Contact: Michael McNutt, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; e-mail: mmcnutt@nacac.com; Web site: www.nacac.com.
30—Writing: Workshop: Teaching Students to Understand and Remember Vocabulary and Concepts, sponsored by the Hill Center, for middle and high school educators, at the center in Durham, N.C. Contact: HC, 3200 Pickett Road, Durham, N.C. 27705-6010; (919) 489-7464; fax: (919) 489- 7466; Web site: www.hillcenter.org.
30-Nov. 1— Science: North Midwestern Area Convention, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association, for science educators and administrators, in Minneapolis. Contact: Carla Daniels, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 312-9371; fax: (703) 841-0250; e-mail: carla.daniels@nsta.org; Web site: www.nsta.org.
30-Nov. 2—English: 2003 Southwest Conference, sponsored by the Two-Year College English Association, for teacher-educators, in New Orleans. Contact: Lillian Wooley, TYCA; e-mail: lwooley@lsua.edu; Web site: www.gc.edu/English/orgs/TYCA.
31-Nov. 2—Administrators: Women Administrators Conference, sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators, for administrators, at the Ritz Carlton Pentagon City in Arlington, Va. Contact: Sharon Adams-Taylor, AASA, 801 N. Quincy St., Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203; (703) 528-0700; Web site: www.aasa.org.
31-Nov. 4—Administrators: 89th Annual Meeting and Exhibits, sponsored by the Association of School Business Officials International, in Charlotte, N.C. Contact: ASBOI, 11401 North Shore Drive, Reston, VA 20190; (703) 708-7069; fax: (703) 478-0205; Web site: http://asbointl.org/Exhibits/HowtoRegistor.asp?I=25.
*31-Nov. 4—Administrators: 89th Annual Meeting and Exhibits, sponsored by the Association of School Business Officials International, in Charlotte, N.C. Contact: ASBOI, 11401 North Shore Drive, Reston, VA 20190; (703) 708-7069; fax: (703) 478-0205; Web site: http://asbointl.org/Exhibits/HowtoRegistor.asp?I=25.
1—Developmental education: Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop: Using Children’s Literature to Enhance Academic and Emotional Development, sponsored by Bergen Community College and GroupWorks for Education, for teachers and administrators, in Paramus, N.J. Deadline: Oct. 23. Contact: Dr. Toby Feinson, GWE, 3915 D’Auria Drive, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410; (201) 819-9285; e-mail: drtoby@groupswork.org.
1-3— Accountability: National Quality Education Conference, sponsored by the American Society for Quality, the Association for Quality and Participation, and the New Mexico Department of Education, for teachers, parents, and administrators, at the Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: Dale Tuttle, ASQ, 600 N. Plankinton, Milwaukee, WI 53202; (414) 298-8789 ext. 7438; e-mail: dtuttle@asq.org; Web site: www.asq.org.
2—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Long Island, N.Y. Contact: Frank Muzio, Wantagh High School, 3300 Beltaigth Ave., Wantagh, NY 11793-3396; (516) 679- 6407; e-mail: muziof@wantaghschools.org; Web site: www.nacac.com.
2—Literacy: Effective Techniques for Teaching Reading, Writing, and Spelling, sponsored by the Reading Reform Foundation of New York, for elementary to adult educators, at the Hilton and Towers in New York City. Contact: Leona D. Spector, RRFNY, 333 W. 57th St., Suite 1L, New York, NY 10019; (212) 307-7320; fax: (212) 307-0449; e-mail: info@readingreformny.org; Web site: www.readingreformny.org.
2-3— Independent schools: 2003 Annual Conference, sponsored by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, for headmasters, teachers, and independent-school personnel, at the Greater Richmond Conference Center in Richmond, Va. Contact: Joan Fargis, VAIS, 8001 Franklin Farms Drive, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23229; (804) 282-3592; fax: (804) 282-3596; e-mail: jfargis@vais.org; Web site: www.vais.org.
2- 4—High schools: National Conference: Forum 2003, sponsored by the College Board, for secondary school and college educators, at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square in New York City. Contact: CB, 45 Columbus Ave., New York, NY 10023; (212) 713-8050; fax: (212) 649-8442; e-mail: forum@collegeboard.org; Web site: www.collegeboard.com/forum.
2- 6—Administrators: The Courage to Lead: Catholic Identity, Social Justice, Diversity, sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, for administrators of Roman Catholic schools, at the Marriott Hotel in Providence, R.I. Deadline: Oct. 3. Contact: Daniel Baczkowski, Chief Administrators of Catholic Education, 1077 30th St., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20007-3852; (202) 337-6232; fax: (202) 333-6706; e-mail: cace@ncea.org; Web site: www.ncea.org.
3—Behavior: Social Emotional Learning Seminar – Educating the Heart and Mind, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for principals, counselors, state and local administrators, and character education coordinators, in Costa Mesa, Calif. and Houston. Contact: Susan Torgan, CC, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 6203; fax: (206) 343-1445; e-mail: storgan@cfchildren.org; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
3— College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Spokane, Wash. Contact: Jon Patton, Lewis and Clark High School, 521 W. Fourth St., Spokane, WA 99204; (509) 354-6897; e-mail: jonp@asd81.k12.wa.us; Web site: www.nacac.com.
3- 4—Professional development: Workshop: Evaluating Professional Development Results, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Las Vegas. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-ASCD; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
3-4—School improvement: Workshop: Enhancing Student Achievement—A Framework for School Improvement, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Las Vegas. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-ASCD; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
3-5—Best practices: Workshop: Teaching for Understanding, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Las Vegas. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-ASCD; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
3- 5—Instruction: Workshop: Differentiating Instruction—Beginning the Journey, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Las Vegas. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-ASCD; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
3-7— Mathematics: One-day workshops: Making Algebra Child’s Play, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for math teachers and administrators, offered at various locations nationwide. Contact: Maria Roach, AIT, Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509 or (812) 339- 2203 ext. 216; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: workshops@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net/workshops.
3-7— Special education: Specialized Classroom Management, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545- 5771, ext. 65; Web site: www.girlsandboystown.org.
*4— Best practices: Workshop: Learning Styles, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for K- 12 educators, in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail: lois.meyer@labschool.org.
4— Behavior: Social Emotional Learning Seminar—Educating the Heart and Mind, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for principals, counselors, state and local administrators, and character education coordinators, in Riverside, Calif., and San Antonio. Contact: Susan Torgan, CC, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104- 2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 6203; fax: (206) 343-1445; e-mail: storgan@cfchildren.org; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
4—Elementary education: Building Quality Pre-K to 3rd-Grade Programs in Public Schools, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, for elementary school principals, in Chicago. Contact: Peter Pizzolongo, NAEYC, 1509 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 232-8777; fax: (202) 328-1846; e-mail: ppizzolongo@naeyc.org; Web site: www.naeyc.org/conferences.
4- 6—Substitutes: SubSolutions Dallas Conference, sponsored by the Substitute Teaching Institute at Utah State University, for administrators or personnel managing substitutes, in Dallas. Contact: Geoffrey G. Smith, STI, 6516 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-6516; (800) 922-4693; fax: (435) 797-0944; e-mail: gsmit@subed.usu.edu; Web site: http://subed.usu.edu.
4- 7—Principals: Fall Conference, sponsored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association, for administrators, at the Houston Westin Galleria in Houston. Contact: Lisa Holloway, TEPSA; (512) 478-5268; e- mail: lisa@tepsa.org; Web site: www.tepsa.org.
*4-8—Early childhood: Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, for elementary educators, at McCormick Place in Chicago. Contact: NAEYC, 1509 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 232-8777; fax: (202) 328-1846; e-mail: conference@naeyc.org; Web site: www.naeyc.org/conferences/a nnual/2003.
5—Behavior: Social Emotional Learning Seminar—Educating the Heart and Mind, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for principals, counselors, state and local administrators, and character education coordinators, in Dallas and Los Angeles. Contact: Susan Torgan, CC, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 6203; fax: (206) 343-1445; e-mail: storgan@cfchildren.org; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
5—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, in Boise, Idaho. Contact: Kathi Lecertua, Borah High School, 6001 Cassia St., Boise, ID 83709; (208) 322-3855; e-mail: Kathi_lecertua@boiseschools.org</ a>; Web site:www.nacac.com.
5- 6—Science: Lab Safety Workshop, sponsored by the Laboratory Safety Institute, for K-20 science educators, lab workers, and supervisors, at the Comfort Suites in Denver. Contact: LSI, 192 Worcester Road, Natick, MA 01760- 2252; (508) 647-1900; fax: (508) 647-0062; e-mail: labsafe@aol.com; Web site: www.labsafety.org.
5-7—School safety: Second Step: A Violence Prevention Program, Train the Trainer Workshop, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors, in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: CC, Client Support Services, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 200; fax: (206) 343-1445; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
5-7— School safety: Talking About Touching: A Personal Safety Curriculum, Train the Trainer Workshop, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors, in Seattle. Contact: CC, Client Support Services, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 200; fax: (206) 343-1445; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
5-8— Early childhood: Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, for early childhood teachers, administrators, and researchers, at McCormick Place in Chicago. Contact: NAEYC, 1509 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 232- 8777; fax: (202) 328-1846; e-mail: conference@naeyc.org; Web site: www.naeyc.org.
5-8—Staff development: Learning & the Brain: Using Brain Research as the Pathway to Student Memory, Motivation, and Achievement, sponsored by the Yale Child Study Center, for educators, learning specialists, and school psychologists, at the Boston Marriott Cambridge in Cambridge, Mass. Deadline: Oct. 20. Contact: Anne Rosenfeld, Public Information Resources, 20 McKenna Terrace, Boston, MA 02132-2515; (617) 469-6789 ext. 21; fax: (617) 469- 3077; e-mail: learning_brain@yahoo.com; Web site: www.edupr.com.
5- 9—Achievement: From Rhetoric to Reality: Student Achievement in Multicultural Societies, sponsored by the National Association for Multicultural Education, for K-20 educators, policymakers, and parents, at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers in Seattle. Contact: Brenda Tolliver, NAME, 733 15th St., Suite 430, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 628-6263; fax: (202) 628-6264; e- mail: name@nameorg.org; Web site: www.nameorg.org.
*6—Learning disabilities: Workshop, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for K-12 educators working with young children who are at-risk for learning disabilities, in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail: lois.meyer@labschool.org.
6- 7—Leadership: Fourth Northeast Principals’ Leadership Network Summit, sponsored by the Education Alliance at Brown University and the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for building administrators, at the Hilton Mystic in Mystic, Conn. Contact: Grace Rivera, EA, 222 Richmond St., Suite 300, Providence, RI 02903; (800) 521-9550 ext. 249; e-mail: Grace_Rivera@brown.edu.
6-7— School improvement: Focusing on Student Performance Institute: Creating Research-Based Schoolwide Action Plans for Increasing Student Achievement, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for teachers and administrators, at NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: Five days before event. Contact: NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843- 6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail: schoolimprovement@nsse.org; Web site: www.nsse.org.
6-8—Accelerated schools: Fifth Annual Conference, sponsored by the Southwest Center for Accelerated Schools, for educators, at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. Contact: Bonnie Hamill, SCAS, 4030 W. Braker Lane, Bldg. 2, Suite 243, Austin, TX 78759; (512) 232-0701; fax: (512) 232-0707; e-mail: bhamill@mail.utexas.edu;Web site: www.swacceleratedschools.net.
6-8—Achievement gap: 14th Annual National Conference, sponsored by the Education Trust, for educators, community advocates, and parents, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington. Contact: Charles Williams, ET, 1725 K St. N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006; (202) 293-1217; fax: (202) 293-2605; e-mail: cwilliams@edtrust.org; Web site: www.edtrust.org.
6-8—Foreign language: Annual Conference, sponsored by the Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers, for foreign language teachers, at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and Conference Center in Appleton, Wis. Contact: James Oakley, WAFLT, 720 Ellis Drive, Ashland, WI 54806; (715) 682-9418; e-mail: joakley@hnet.net; Web site: www.waflt.org.
6-8—Gifted education: Gifted Education and No Child Left Behind: Walking Together for All Children, sponsored by the Virginia Association for the Gifted, for educators, administrators, and parents, at the Marriott in Williamsburg, Va. Contact: Liz Nelson, VAG, PO Box 26212, Richmond, VA 23260-6212; (804) 355-6212; fax: (804) 355-5137; e-mail: vagifted@attbi.com; Web site: www.vagifted.org.
6-8— Libraries: School Libraries: Looking Ahead, Leading the Way, sponsored by the Illinois School Library Media Association, for school librarians, at the Holiday Inn Select in Decatur, Ill. Deadline: Oct. 24. Contact: Kay Maynard, ISLMA, PO Box 598, Canton, IL 61520- 0598; (309) 649-0911; fax: (309) 649-0916; e-mail: ISLMA@aol.com; Web site: www.islma.org.
6-8—Mathematics: Southern Regional Conference: Mathematics Journeys in Historic Charleston, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, for educators, at the Charleston Area Convention Center in Charleston, S.C. Contact: NCTM, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191; (800) 235-7566; fax: (703) 476-2970; Web site: www.nctm.org/meetings/charleston .
6-8—Middle schools: 30th Annual Conference and Exhibit:, Middle Level Education: Middle Level on our Minds, sponsored by the National Middle School Association, for middle-level educators, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Contact: Chris Risheill NMSA, 4151 Executive Parkway, Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081; (614) 895-4730 ext. 226; fax: (614) 895-4750; e-mail: crisheill@nmsa.org; Web site: www.nmsa.org.
6-9—Accountability: 11th National Quality Education Conference: Doorways to Performance Excellence—Standards, Assessment, and Accountability, sponsored by the American Society for Quality, for administrators, teachers, and business leaders, in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: Dale Tuttle, ASQ, 600 N. Plankinton Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005; (414) 272- 8575 ext. 7438; fax: (414) 765-8664; e-mail: dtuttle@asq.org; Web site: http://nqec.asq.org.
6-9— Education research: Brain Research and Implications for Teaching and Learning Workshop, sponsored by the American Montessori Society, for educators and administrators, at the Wyndham Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: Mimi Basso, AMS, 281 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10010; (212) 358-1250; fax: (212) 358-1256; e-mail: mimi@amshq.org; Web site: www.amshq.org.
6-9—Higher education: 17th Annual Convention, sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration, for administrators and graduate students, at the Hilton Portland & Executive Towers in Portland, Ore. Contact: Michelle Young or Ann Houck-Sleper, UCEA, 205 Hill Hall, Columbia, MO 65211; (573) 884-8300; fax: (573) 884-8302; e-mail: youngmd@missouri.edu; Web site: www.ucea.org.
6-9—International education: Cultural Integration for New International Open Societies, sponsored by the International Schools Association, for K-12 teachers and administrators, at the SEK International School in Budapest, Hungary. Deadline: Oct. 31. Contact: Gabriella Gidro, SEK International School, Huvosvolgyi ut 131, Budapest 1021, Budapest; 011-361-394-2968; fax: 011-361-200-6615; e-mail: gabriella.gidro@isaschools.org or gidrog@sekmail.com; Web site: www.isaschools.org.
6-9—Montessori education: Leadership Weekend, sponsored by the American Montessori Society, for Montessori educators, at the Wyndham Bonaventure Resort and Spa in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: Mimi Basso, AMS, 281 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10010; (212) 358-1250; fax: (212) 358- 1256; e-mail: mimi@amshq.org; Web site: www.amshq.org.
6-9—Sex education: Fifty Years After Kinsey’s Female Report: Sexual Science and Gender, sponsored by the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, for sex educators, researchers, school nurses, and family therapists, at the Marriott Riverwalk in San Antonio. Contact: David L. Fleming, SSSS, PO Box 416, Allentown, PA 18105; (610) 530-2483; fax: (610) 530-2485; e-mail: Thesociety@inetmail.att.net; Web site: www.sexscience.org.
7—College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for educators, high school students, and parents, Portland, Ore. Contact: Joe Bernard, Valley Catholic School, 4275 S.W. 148th, Beaverton, OR 97007; (503) 520-4702; jbernard@ssmo.org; Web site: www.nacac.com.
*7—Early childhood: Workshop: Language Development in Preschool Students, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for K-12 educators, in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail: lois.meyer@labschool.org.