*) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
14-16—Education technology: Educate Don’t Litigate: Exploring Critical Legal Issues in Education Technology, sponsored by the National School Boards Association’s National Affiliate Program and ITTE: Educational Technology Programs, for school board members, superintendents, and other district leaders, at the Hilton Hotel in Palm Springs, Calif. Contact: Rachel Kliewer, Manager, Education Technology Programs, NSBA, 1680 Duke St, Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 838-6770; fax: (703) 683-7590; e-mail: rkliewer@nsba.org; Web site: www.nsba.org/itte.
14-16—Safety: Conference, sponsored by True Colors Communications Group, for consultants and program administrators, in Atlanta. Contact: TCCG, 12395 Doherty St., Riverside, CA 92503; (888) 698-2577; fax: (909) 371-1701.
14-16--Safety: Conference, sponsored by True Colors Communications Group, for consultants and program administrators, in Atlanta. Contact: TCCG, 12395 Doherty St., Riverside, CA 92503; phone: (888) 698-2577 ; fax: (909) 371-1701 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: n/a .
15--Arts: Start With Arts Program, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Columbia, S.C. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington,.IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
15-16--Community service: Communication: The Key to Community, sponsored by the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association, for principals, assistant principals, and administrators, at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago. Deadline: Feb. 7, 2001. Contact: CPAA, 221 N. LaSalle St., Suite 1550, Chicago, IL 60601; phone: (312) 263-7767 ; fax: (312) 263-2012 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: n/a .
15-16--Conflict resolution: Conflict Resolution Through Peer Mediation, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for educators of all levels and specialties, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria,.VA 22311-1714; phone: (800) 933-2723 ; fax: (703)575-5400 ; e-mail: member@ascd.org ; Web site: www.ascd.org .
15-16--Leadership: Effective Leadership for Increased Academic Achievement, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for educators of all levels and specialties, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria,.VA 22311-1714; phone: (800) 933-2723 ; fax: (703)575-5400 ; e-mail: member@ascd.org ; Web site: www.ascd.org .
15-16--Professional development: Examining Students’ Work: Protocols for Professional Collaboration, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for educators of all levels and specialties, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria,.VA 22311-1714; phone: (800) 933-2723 ; fax: (703)575-5400 ; e-mail: member@ascd.org ; Web site: www.ascd.org .
15-17--Leadership: Conference, sponsored by True Colors Communication Group, for school administrators, in Houston. Contact: TCCG, 12395 Doherty St., Riverside, CA 92503; phone: (888) 698-2577 ; fax: (909) 371-1701 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: n/a .
16--Arts: Start With Arts Program, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Jacksonville, Fla. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington,.IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
16--Community service: Community service workshop, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for faculty, staff, administration, and students, at St. John’s Country Day School in Orange Park, Fla. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta,.GA 30318-4225; phone: (404) 355-4460 ; fax: (404)355-4435 ; e-mail: info@csee.org ; Web site: www.csee.org .
16--Professional development: Monthly meeting, sponsored by the New Jersey Educational Computing Cooperative Inc., for educators, at Kean University in Union, N.J. Contact: Maria Eckert, Business Administrator, NJECC Inc., PBM 378, 551 Valley Road, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043; phone: (888) 305-2211 ; fax: (800)435-9202 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.njecc.org .
16-18--Administrators: National Conference on Education, sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators, for educators and administrators, in Orlando, Fla. Contact: AASA, 1801 N. Moore St., Arlington, VA 22209; phone: (703) 875-0748 ; fax: n/a; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.aasa.org/nce/ .
16-18--School finance: National Education Finance Seminar, sponsored by the National Conference of State Legislatures, for state, federal, local policymakers interested in education-finance issues, at the Westin Hotel in Hilton Head, S.C. Contact: Erica Mancha, Administrative Assistant, Education Program, National Conference of State Legislatures; phone: (303) 830-2200 ; fax: (303)863-8003 ; e-mail: erica.mancha@ncsl.org ; Web site: n/a .
20--Professional development: Personalized Learning with Differentiated Instruction, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Macon, Ga. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington,.IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
20-23--Technology: K-12 School Networking: The Web of Change, sponsored by the Consortium for School Networking, for senior education-technology leaders at the district, state, and national levels, at Loew’s L’Enfant Hotel in Washington. Contact: CoSN; 1550 Connecticut Ave. NW, #200, Washington, DC 20036; phone: (202) 466-6296 ; fax: (202)462-9043 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.cosn.org/conferences .
21--College fair: Online College Fair: International Students, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for college-bound and college students and their parents, at www.nacac.com. Contact: Greg Ferguson, Director of National College Fairs, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria,.VA 22314-2818; phone: (703) 836-2222, ext. 115 ; fax: (703)836-8015 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.nacac.com .
21--Science: Hands-On Science, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Tallahassee, Fla. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington,.IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
21-24--Leadership: Courageous Leadership for School Success, sponsored by the HOPE Foundation, and Arizona State University, for superintendents, instructors, school board members, at the Doubletree Resort, in Sedona, Ariz. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2001. Contact: Derek Richey, HOPE, 3925 Hagan St., Suite 105, PO Box 906, Bloomington, IN 47402; phone: (812) 355-6002 ; fax: (812)323-8140 ; e-mail: derek@communitiesofhope.org ; Web site: www.communitiesofhope.org .
22-23--College fair: Spring 2001 National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and parents, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. Contact: Greg Ferguson, Director of National College Fairs, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria,.VA 22314-2818; phone: (703) 836-2222, ext. 115 ; fax: (703)836-8015 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.nacac.com .
22--Arts: Integrating the Arts with Literacy, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Santa Rosa, Calif. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
22--Mathematics: Connecting Literature to Mathmatics, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Nashville, Tenn. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington,.IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
22--Professional development: Personalized Learning with Differentiated Instruction, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Chattanooga, Tenn. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington,.IN 47402-0789; phone: (812) 339-1156, ext. 2500; (800) 766-1156 ; fax: (812)339-0018 ; e-mail: cpds@pdkintl.org ; Web site: www.pdkintl.org .
22-24--Behavior disorders: Symposium 2001: Our Children’s Odyssey, sponsored by the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders, for special educators and professionals who work with individuals with emotional disorders, at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel, in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: MSLBD, PO Box 40001, Overland Park, KS 66204; phone: (913) 492-8755 ; fax: (913)492-2546 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.mslbd.org .
24-25--Student behavior: Student leadership conference, sponsored by the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education, for students, at Cape Fear Academy, in Wilmington, N.C. Contact: CSEE, 1465 Northside Drive, Suite 220, Atlanta,.GA 30318-4225; phone: (404) 355-4460 ; fax: (404)355-4435 ; e-mail: info@csee.org ; Web site: www.csee.org .
25--College fair: Spring 2001 National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and parents, at the Radisson Centre in Miami. Contact: Greg Ferguson, Director of National College Fairs, NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria,.VA 22314-2818; phone: (703) 836-2222, ext. 115 ; fax: (703)836-8015 ; e-mail: n/a; Web site: www.nacac.com .
27-28--Curriculum: Curriculum Mapping/Curriculum Alignment: Strengthening the Curriculum to Enhance Student Achievement, sponsored by the Greater Cleveland Educational Development Center, for classroom teachers, administrators, curriculum directors, and other interested educators, at Cleveland State University in Cleveland. Contact: Barbara Jenkins, GCEDC, RT 901, Cleveland State University, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleveland,.OH 44114-4435; phone: (216) 523-7107 ; fax: (216)687-5422 ; e-mail: gcedc@csuohio.edu ; Web site: gcedc.org .
27-March 3--Bilingual education: English as a second language: 35th Annual Convention and Exposition, sponsored by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc., for ESL and language professionals, America’s Center/Cervantes Convention Center in St. Louis. Contact: TESOL, 700 S. Washington St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; phone: (703) 836-0774 ; fax: (703)836-7684 ; e-mail: conv@tesol.org ; Web site: www.tesol.edu .