Dear Readers,
It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that I share the news that Education Week has acquired Learning Matters TV.
With the acquisition of Learning Matters, a video-production company based in New York City, Education Week will greatly expand its visual storytelling around the issues, people, and news developments shaping American education. We look forward to producing broadcast-quality segments for the PBS NewsHour and other outlets as well as expanding the amount of digital video we produce and disseminate on, YouTube, and other distribution platforms.
I am convinced that this acquisition is a game-changer for Education Week, even as our current and expanding audience will be the ultimate beneficiaries.
As the leading independent provider of news and analysis in pre-K-12 education, we have evolved over the years from a print-only publication to a 24/7 digital news operation. At a time when many news organizations have struggled to sustain their audiences, and even their businesses, the nonprofit Education Week is a success story. Our news operation has not only survived the media disruption of recent years, but leveraged it, catalyzing our authoritative coverage with even more engaging and diversified forms of journalism.
For more than two decades, the nonprofit Learning Matters has been celebrated for its award-winning video news segments and documentaries on education in America, from the preschool years through career training and higher education. As you may have heard, John Merrow, who founded Learning Matters in 1995, announced his retirement last month.
Education Week’s acquisition of Learning Matters unites the strengths and sensibilities of two trusted news organizations dedicated to improving student outcomes through better-informed policymaking and more effective educator practice.
Please be on the lookout for our new line of Education Week-branded video and please be in touch with suggestions about how we can continue to serve you better.
All best regards,
Virginia B. Edwards
President and Editor-in-Chief
For the Media
Press Release: Education Week Acquires Award-Winning TV Production Company (PDF)