After President Bush released his budget last week, Democrats in Congress treated it as if it were dead on arrival.
The budget is “completely irresponsible” and “will soon be forgotten,” said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. Sen. Harkin has some control over the Department of Education purse strings as the chairman of the subcommittee that appropriates money for education and other social programs.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he’d be willing to let President Bush leave office without signing another appropriations bill for education. One reason why: The president is “not living up to what he said he would do in funding” NCLB, Reid said. He’s assuming a Democrat will be moving into the Oval Office next January.
Read these quotes and more in Democrats Aim to Resist Bush Budget by Alyson Klein.
Other NCLB stories in the Feb. 13, 2008, issue of Education Week:
Extra Funding Provided to Sustain NAEP
U.S. ‘Dashboards’ Offer Data on State Achievement
Spellings Asks 6th Circuit to Reconsider NCLB Ruling
Exercise Seen as Priming Pump for Students’ Academic Strides
P.S. That last one is my early Valentine to you, Richard.