A symbol (*) marks deadlines that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
*Sept. 25—Corporate support: Applications are due for the 2001 Leaders for Change Award, sponsored by the Council for Aid to Education, for programs supported by corporate grants that have improved the quality of education at any level from kindergarten through graduate school. Winning programs will be recognized at an award ceremony in New York City in early 2002. Contact: Amy de Cillia, CAE, (212) 217-0815; e-mail: amy@cae.org; Web site: www.cae.org.
Sept. 30—Internet education: Nominations are due for the Internet Educator of the Year award, sponsored by Classroom Connect, for K-12 educators that use the Internet for teaching. Contact: Carol Lynch, CC, (410) 975-9638; Web site: www1.classroom.com/login/la nding.jhtml.
*Oct. 15—Teacher exchange: Applications are due for the Fulbright Teacher and Administrator Exchange Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, for teachers and administrators at K-12 schools and two-year colleges. Educators exchange positions with teachers from other countries. U.S. citizens who are fluent in English and have a bachelor’s degree as well as three years of full-time teaching experience are eligible. Contact: FTEP, 600 Maryland Ave. S.W., Suite 320, Washington, DC 20024-2520; (800) 726-0479 or (202) 314-3527; e-mail: fulbright@grad.usda.gov; Web site: www.grad.usda.gov/info_fo r/fulbright.cfm.
*Oct. 15—Student development: Applications are due for the New Leaders Academy, a one-year professional leadership and management training program, sponsored by the National Youth Employment Coalition, for youth employment/youth development professionals with five years experience working with children and adults ages 14 to 25. Participants complete two one-week training sessions, as well as doing group projects and individual work throughout the year. Contact: Mindy Larson, Program Associate, NYEC, New Leaders Academy, 1836 Jefferson Place N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 659- 1064; e-mail: mindy@nyec.org; Web site: www.nyec.org/newleaders.html.
*Oct. 17—Education research: Applications are due for the Dissertation Fellowship Program, sponsored by the Spencer Foundation, for education-related research. Approximately 30 fellowships of $20,000 each are awarded to support completion of dissertations. Dissertation topics must relate to education and all pre-dissertation requirements must be completed by June 1, 2002. Contact: Spencer Dissertation Fellowships Program, SF, 875 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3930, Chicago, IL 60611-1803; (312) 337-7000.
*Nov. 15—Science teaching: Applications are due for the 2001 Gustav Ohaus Awards for Innovations in Science Teaching, sponsored by Ohaus Corp., a manufacturer of science laboratory scales, and the National Science Teachers Association, for teachers with innovative ideas for improving science education. One $1,000 prize and one $750 prize are given in four categories: elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. Contact: NSTA, Ohaus Awards Program, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000; (888) 400- NSTA or (703) 243-7100; Web site: www.nsta.org.
*Nov. 16—School/business partnerships: Applications are due for the School/Business Partnership Awards, sponsored by the Wall Street Journal and the Employment Management Association Foundation, which funds projects to enhance work force quality. Awards of $5,000 each will be made to up to five school/business partnerships that link curriculum to the workplace. Contact: Wanda Flowers, EMAF, 1800 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3499; (703) 535-6078; fax: (703) 739-0399; e-mail: wflowers@shrm.org; Web site: www.shrm.org/emaf.
*Nov. 23—Photography: Submissions are due for the Environmental Education Photo Contest, sponsored by the LaMotte Co., provider of environmental-education equipment. Teachers or students submit photographs showing students working with current LaMotte testing equipment; entries must include a brief description of how students use the equipment. First-, second-, and third-prize winners are awarded $500, $250, and $100 merchandise certificates for LaMotte equipment, respectively; honorable mention winners receive $50 certificates. Contact: LaMotte Co., PO Box 329, Chestertown, MD 21620; (800) 344-3100 or (410) 778- 3100; e-mail: ese@lamotte.com; Web site: www.lamotte.com.
*Dec. 15—Education research: Applications are due for post-doctoral fellowships for education research, sponsored by the American Educational Research Association and the U.S. Department of Education office of educational research, for educators. Fellowships are for up to three years and will be effective Sept. 1, 2002. Contact: AERA/OERI Fellowships, AERA, 1230 17th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036-3078; Web site: www.aera.net.
*Dec. 15—Gifted education: Proposals are due for pre-conference professional development seminars and for conference presentations for Beyond IQ: Paradoxes and Oxymorons in the Lives of Highly and Profoundly Gifted Children, a conference sponsored by the Gifted Conference Planners. The conference will be held on May 4-5, 2002, for parents, educators, and mental health professionals, in Wakefield, Mass. Contact: Josh Shaine, GCP, (978) 597- 0977; fax: (801) 729-5081; e-mail: giftedconferenceplanners@yahoo. com; Web site: www.geocities.com/gifte dconferenceplanners.
*Dec. 20—Career education: Applications are due for the annual awards of the American Association for Career Education. Awards are available in 16 categories for innovation in practices, programs or publications for career education. Contact: Pat Nellor Wickwire, President, AACE, 2900 Amby Place, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-2216; (310) 376-7378; fax: (310) 376-2926.
*Feb. 15—Holocaust fellowships: Applications are due for the Mandel Teacher Fellowship program, sponsored by the United States Holocaust Museum, for teachers of grades 7-12 who have taught the Holocaust for at least five years. Participants will attend a summer institute at the museum in Washington, and implement an awareness project at their schools. Contact: Daniel Napolitano, Coordinator, Mandel Teacher Fellowship Program, USHM, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place S.W., Washington, DC 20024; (202) 314-7853; fax: (202) 314- 7888; e-mail: dnapolitano@ushmm.org; Web site: www.ushmm.org.
Open dates—Photography: Starlight Cameras, the makers of the pinhole camera and darkroom kit, give a complimentary camera to a school every week. Pinhole cameras can be used to study image formation without a darkroom. To request a camera, darkroom kit, and instruction book, teachers must send a description of their photography program and their school address. Contact: Jim Kosinski, SC, PO Box 540, Cherry Valley, NY 13320; (607) 264-3480; e-mail: merlin@paintcancamera.com; Web site: www.paintcancamera.com.
*Sept. 30—Science and technology: Applications are due for the First LEGO League, sponsored by the LEGO Group and FIRST, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring students in math, science, and technology, for teams of 9- to 14-year-old students. Teams of seven to 10 students and an adult coach have approximately eight weeks to build, program, and test a fully autonomous robot capable of completing various “missions.” Teams can enter local events, preliminaries, or state tournaments, where they are rewarded for excellence in teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, design, strategy, and leadership. At state Science and Technology in Education Tournaments, every participant receives a medal, and judges present 10 team awards. Contact: FIRST, (800) 871- 8326; e-mail: fll@usfirst.org; Web site: www.usfirst.org.
*Oct. 1—Art: Submissions are due for the Arts Recognition and Talent Search Program, sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts, for high school seniors or artists ages 17 and 18. The foundation selects 125 students who travel to Miami for workshops and auditions; receive hotel accommodations, meals, and ground transportation; and get cash awards ranging from $100 to $3,000. About 20 artists are named Presidential Scholars in the Arts and are honored at the White House. Awards are based on merit in one of nine art forms. Applicants pay a $35 entry fee. Contact: NFAA, (800) 970-2787; Web site: www.artsawards.org.
*Oct. 2—Science and technology: Submissions are due for the Science and Technology Competition scholarship contest, sponsored by the Siemens Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Siemens Corp., an electrical engineering and electronics company, for high school students. Students working individually or in groups of two or three submit original research projects in science, mathematics, engineering, or technology. First prize for an individual entry is a $100,000 scholarship; the winning team splits a $100,000 scholarship. Contact: SF, (877) 822-5233; Web site: www.siemens-foundation.org.
*Oct. 31—College scholarships: Applications are due for merit-based scholarships for college-bound seniors, sponsored by the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation. Fifty national scholars receive $20,000 scholarships. Another 200 regional scholars receive $4,000 each. Contact: CCSF, (404) 733-5420 or (800) 306-2653.
*Oct. 31—Community spirit: Applications are due for the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, for middle and high school students who have demonstrated outstanding initiative or leadership in their communities. Schools may select one honoree for every 1,000 students enrolled. One high school student and one middle school student in each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico are named state honorees and receive $1,000 awards, silver medallions, and expenses-paid trips to Washington, D.C. Ten national honorees receive an additional $5,000 each, gold medals, and trophies for their schools. Contact: NASSP, Department of Student Activities, 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1537; (703) 860-0200 or (800) 253-7746; fax (703) 476-5432; e-mail: spirit@principals.org; Web site: www.prudential.com/community/s pirit.
*Nov. 1—Volunteers: Applications are due for Target All-Around Scholarships, sponsored by the Target Corp., for high school seniors and graduates ages 24 or younger. Scholarship criteria include volunteer and community service. Five students receive $10,000 each, and more than 2,000 others win $1,000 scholarships. Contact: Target All-Around Scholarship Program, (800) 316-6142; Web site: www.target.com.
Open dates—Caring award: The Caring Institute seeks nominations of students age 18 or younger who demonstrate extraordinary compassion, caring, and selflessness. Five winners will each receive a $2,000 college scholarship, an expenses-paid trip to Washington, and a place in the Hall of Fame for Caring Americans. Contact: CI, 320 A St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002; (202) 547-4273; e-mail: inquiry@caring-institute.org.
Open dates—Community service: Prudential Insurance’s Spirit of Community Initiative is accepting applications for the Prudential Youth Leadership Institute, for high school students who demonstrate leadership potential in their communities. Participants in the program complete 30 hours of curriculum work and a community-service project that they choose, create, and implement. Contact: Points of Light Foundation, 1400 I St. N.W., Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 729-8000; Web site: www.pyli.org.
Open dates—Creativity:Creative Kids magazine, a product of Prufrock Press, a publisher of literature to support the education of gifted children, requests submissions from students ages 8 to 14. Original cartoons, songs, stories of 800 to 900 words, puzzles, photographs, artwork, games, activities, editorials, poetry, and plays are accepted. Students whose materials are selected for publication will receive a free copy of the Creative Kids issue in which their work appears. Contact: Submissions Editor, CK, PO Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714-8813; (800) 998-2208; Web site: www.prufrock.com/mag_ck.html.
Open dates—Environmental newspaper:Greentimes, an environmental newspaper written by and for students, requests stories, opinions, comments, and ideas for publication. Contact: Elizabeth Gilmore, Greentimes, 55 Reservoir St., Cambridge, MA 02138; (617) 868-5760; Web site: habitat@greenscreen.org.
Open dates—History journal:The Concord Review, the only quarterly journal to publish secondary students’ academic work, accepts student essays on historical topics. Essays should be approximately 5,000 words, plus endnotes. Submissions chosen for publication are eligible for the Emerson Prize, a $3,000 award. Contact: CR, PO Box 661, Concord, MA 01742; (800) 331- 5007 or (978) 443-0022; e-mail: fitzhugh@tcr.org; Web site: www.tcr.org.
Open dates—Pen pals: World Pen Pals promotes international friendship and cultural understanding between young people around the world. Students in grades four through college are invited to request an overseas pen pal. Teachers may request a brochure on class participation. Contact: WPP, PO Box 337, Saugerties, NY 12477; (914) 246-7828.
Open dates—Student videos: CNN Student Bureau, CNN’s student newsgathering and reporting program, publishes student-produced writing and videos. Participation is open to schools, colleges, and universities worldwide. Contact: CNNSB, 1 CNN Center, PO Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30348-5366; (800) 344- 6219; Web site: www.cnnfyi.com.