The introduction to the “Graduation in the United States” table in Education Week’s Diplomas Count 2011 report (June 9, 2011) incorrectly identifies the graduation rates for two groups since the late 1990s. The rates have risen by 8 percentage points for black students and by 6 percentage points for white students.
A story in the May 25 issue of Education Week about a Massachusetts company working with districts to reduce special education costs misstated an advocacy group’s position about the company. The statement by the group SPEDWatch should have read that it urged caution in weighing “recommendations made by Futures Education so as to avoid illegally denying children services.”
A story in the May 18 issue about the dearth of candidates for STEM teaching awards incorrectly implied that Elizabeth Horsch’s work as Wyoming’s coordinator for the award was connected to her work for Inverness, a California research organization.