Because of an editing error, a story in the May 7, 2003, issue of Education Week about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“Rewrite of Spec. Ed. Law Passes the House”) incorrectly reported one aspect of the idea reauthorization bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on April 30. A measure allowing students with disabilities to receive federal money for supplemental services if their schools are designated as needing improvement is, in fact, in the bill, HR 1350.
A story in the same issue about a California school’s experiment in scrapping grades of D (“California Schools Experiment With Deletion of D’s”) misstated the number of students receiving F’s who would have been given D’s under the previous policy. About 40 of the 100 students who received D’s in English for the entire first semester at El Cajon Valley High School dropped their grades to F’s in the third quarter.
A story in the May 14 issue about school weather stations (“Weather Stations Given Homeland-Security Role”) that are playing a role in homeland security gave the wrong name for the company that owns a nationwide network of school-based weather stations. It is AWS Convergence Technologies Inc.