A story in the Feb. 5, 2003, issue of Education Week inadvertently omitted the word “not” from a sentence describing the views of Bill Montford, the superintendent of the Leon County, Fla., public schools, regarding a class-size-reduction plan put forward by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. The sentence should have read: Mr. Montford of Leon County said he does not think Gov. Bush was using the class-size plan “to push vouchers or charter schools or anything.”
A Facilities column in the same issue incorrectly identified the sources of funding for the “Planning Guide for Maintaining School Facilities.” The National Center for Education Statistics paid for the guide, which was a collaborative project with the Association of School Business Officials International.
A federal-sources listing in the Grants section of the Feb. 12 issue gave the wrong Web address for the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences grants. It should have been http://ies.asciences.com.
A story in the same issue should have explained that $236 million is the increase in Mississippi’s education budget, bringing the state’s new overall K-12 budget to $1.74 billion for fiscal year 2004. Also, the story incorrectly reported the date of a special session to pass a teacher-pay raise. It was held in 2001.