Yesterday, Republicans signaled through this news story that they don’t like the House draft. Today, I found a Democrat who has his own complaints.
Rep. Albert R. Wynn, D-Md., wrote the chairman of the House education committee last week to “express my strong concerns regarding the direction we appear to be heading” in NCLB reauthorization. (Sorry, no link. The letter is not online.)
Here are a few choice quotes:
“I am deeply concerned that the draft continues to rely so heavily on measuring schools based on standardized test results .... We cannot get a true picture of student and school achievement without looking at the range of factors that go into making a successful school.”
“I am also concerned that the draft does not address class size.”
“I am concerned about provisions in the draft that would tie teacher pay to student test scores.”
In conclusion, Wynn writes: “I fear that the path we are heading down will only exacerbate these flaws rather than correct them.”
Wynn sent copies of the letter to all members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Although Wynn is not a member of the Education and Labor Committee, four members of the black caucus are. Once a bill makes it to the committee, it’ll be noteworthy to hear what they’re saying.