At the National Afterschool Association conference in Dallas last week, the Afterschool Alliance released its fourth annual compendium of briefs on major topics in after-school and profiles of some leading programs.
“Afterschool in Action: How Innovative Afterschool Programs Address Critical Issues Facing Middle School Youth,” supported by the MetLife Foundation, includes issue briefs on: aligning after-school with the regular school day, bullying prevention, service-learning, and promoting literacy, as well as features on five programs that received $10,000 awards from the foundation in 2011 for addressing these areas at their sites. (MetLife also underwrites Education Week‘s Teacher channel.)
This year’s awards, which I wrote about here, honored programs that serve middle school students. Higher Achievement in Washington, and Urban Arts/Project Phoenix in Oakland, Calif., were recognized for their attention to school day alignment.The work of 21st Century PASOS, in rural Pennsylvania, to curb youth bullying was honored, Kids Rethink New Orleans was commended for its efforts to promote service-learning, and America SCORES Chicago‘s focus on improving student literacy was praised.
More than 300 nominations were submitted last year; the alliance will soon be releasing the details for the upcoming 2012 awards’ nomination process.