Are the nuns ahead of you? Contributing to Powerful Learning Practice’s “Voices from the Learning Revolution” feature, Sister Geralyn Schmidt, wide area network coordinator for the Diocese of Harrisburg, Pa., explains how the diocese’s recent integration of Web 2.0 technology into instruction is helping teachers enhance essential skills and further the schools’ educational mission of outreach and discovery.
She also has some advice to teachers who are wary of technology and new approaches to pedagogy:
As educators in the 21st century, we must model lifelong learning, and not be reluctant to say to our students (who often understand more about the tools than we do) "How did you do that?" We are creating a culture in which collaboration is cross-generational, a climate in which no ONE individual knows everything. This adds on to the skills that we teachers normally teach and allows our students to become teachers as well.
(HT John Norton, via Twitter.)