Board Buzz, the blog of the National School Board Association, brings news of an upcoming audio conference titled “Special Education: What’s On the Horizon?”
The conference is scheduled for 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. EST April 16, and includes some well-known special education law experts, including Houston-based school attorney Christopher Borreca and Allan Osborne, a principal and former president of the Education Law Association. Regular registration is $140, but some discounts are offered and for the price, you can gather as many people as you want around a speaker phone to hear the presentation.
Here’s my prediction: Response to intervention is going to generate due-process hearings, and maybe even lawsuits, unless districts do a good job explaining the educational method to parents. There’s already grumbling among some parents that the RTI process takes too long to get their children the specific extra help they need. However, I admit that I’m not going out on a limb: The Washington Post (registration required) and the Wall Street Journal have already written about this topic.