This January, in preparation for a March forum on teacher and principal effectiveness at its annual conference, the ASCD will host a public discussion on teacher and principal evaluation.
The ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) will host an informational Twitter chat on January 22. After that, you’ll also be able to complete a survey, contribute blog posts, and post comments with your thoughts on how to define and measure effectiveness on ASCD’s website.
Stephen Sawchuk has written extensively about the ongoing back and forth on teacher evaluation over at the Teacher Beat blog. Evaluating principals has its own set of difficulties and quirks, however, and has been getting more and more attention recently. The National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Elementary School Principals released a report on principal evaluation this fall, and wrote a commentary for Education Week on the topic, too. The National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality also released a guide on creating “meaningful” principal evaluation earlier this year.
Appropriately, this year’s ASCD annual conference, where the forum will be held, is in Chicago—an epicenter of national conversations about teacher evaluation after this year’s strike.