The toolkit for determining whether publishers’ instructional materials are aligned to the Common Core State Standards has grown once again.
Yesterday, the Council of the Great City Schools put out a series of rubrics, separated by grade level, to help schools and educators decide if the reading and math curriculum materials they’re using meet the common core’s expectations.
Here’s a page from the English/language arts rubric for 3rd grade:

The tool is based on another evaluation tool created by Student Achievement Partners, the professional-development group founded by the common-core writers, that is used to assess whole textbooks and textbook series. The Council’s new tool (known as the Grade-Level Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool, or GIMET) looks at each grade level separately. Teachers can use it to see where a textbook falls short and supplementary materials might be necessary.

Achieve, the nonprofit that helped launch the common standards, also has a materials-vetting system called EQuIP—but that one is for examining individual lessons and units.
The newest tool comes on the heels of a widely viewed release by, a website that purports to be the Consumer Reports of common-core classroom materials. ( differs from GIMET in that it is not a rubric or tool but a set of completed evaluations.) The first round of reviews, which looked at K-8 math materials, found that nearly all of the curricula by the major publishers were not aligned to the common standards. The group has since come under fire for its methodology.