Your intrepid (and exhausted) blogger is heading back to Washington tomorrow, following the conclusion of the American Federation of Teachers’ convention today.
This year’s union conventions have given us a lot to pick over, parse, and chew on. When I embarked on this trip 10 days ago, I remarked that there are always some narratives that spin themselves out over the course of the conventions.
One is no doubt the unions’ responses to the push for teacher effectiveness. Witness their respective Race to the Top resolutions (here and here), as well as the call for a Commission on Effective Teaching by National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel, and an approved evaluation framework at the AFT.
I’m interested in what you think all this says about the unions. Feel free to post your thoughts here.
I’ll have some follow-up news and more analysis before too long, but expect posting to be light over the next week as I get caught up on things.
Thanks for following Education Week‘s coverage of the conventions.