The National High School Center, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and housed at the American Institutes for Research, is hosting a discussion about how literacy can be improved in high schools. Terry Salinger, the managing director and chief scientist for reading at the AIR, is available during the month of June to answer questions about that topic. Submit your questions by e-mail. Salinger hasn’t posted any questions and answers yet on the site, so maybe she hasn’t yet received any.
This topic is getting a lot of play within various education organizations. On June 8, the National Association of State Boards of Education is giving a congressional briefing about state actions to improve adolescent literacy. The organization recently released a policy report on what states are doing to support literacy at the secondary level. The Southern Regional Education Board also recently called on states to support adolescent reading.
Late last month, I moderated a chat about adolescent literacy with Michael L. Kamil, a reading expert from Stanford University, here at Education Week. The transcript is now available.