One of the hardest parts of education research is translating neat, orderly lab findings into the creative chaos of the typical classroom. Over at Education Week‘s new opinion blog, Urban Education Reform: Bridging Research and Practice, researchers Doug Harris of Tulane University and Paula Arce-Trigatti of Rice University/Kinder Institute will lead a discussion with researchers and practitioners nationwide on exactly what new findings mean for urban schools.
This week, they are looking at California’s two-year “transitional kindergarten” initiative launched back in 2012-13. It led the San Francisco public schools to build a new grade level from the ground up, with Stanford University doctoral researcher Christopher Doss and his colleagues partnering to evaluate the process and its effects. Doss today talked about the mixed results of the study and how it affected policy decisions in the district. Later this week, officials from the district will weigh in.
Check it out for a more in-depth look at active research partnerships.