To the Editor:
I agree with Cheryl Scott Williams’ assessment regarding school reform (“School Reform, But From Whose Perspective?” Oct. 17, 2012). I am in my 26th year in public education. As a teacher and now a principal, I have come to the conclusion that most education reform has been well-intentioned until very recently.
After the launch of Sputnik in 1957, education reform was fueled by national-security concerns or the concerns of the Business Roundtable. While these efforts were not student-centered, at least they were not motivated strictly by personal profit.
The last 10 years have seen for-profit school models emerge along with an unprecedented amount of influence centralized in a few educational technology and textbook companies.
What we really need to do is take what Ms. Williams says one step further and ask the question: Who profits financially from education reform?
John Schuler
Osage Trail Middle School
Independence, Mo.